Undead and Unworthy

Undead and Unworthy by MaryJanice Davidson

Book: Undead and Unworthy by MaryJanice Davidson Read Free Book Online
Authors: MaryJanice Davidson
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Sinclair snicker, but when I glanced at him, he was as smooth-faced as
    usual. And, thank God, the Ant wasn't following us. Perhaps she'd popped out again. I'd
    hope it was permanent, except I wasn't that dumb.
    "Thank you, Detective Berry, you would make a fine butler. Now run along."
    "Like I want to stay?" he retorted, falling into step beside us. I wondered who the new
    vamp was. Maybe a straggler of sorts who had just heard about the new king and queen.
    Now and again a vampire from the middle of nowhere would show up to pay tribute
    (gag). "Besides, I gotta get back to work."
    "He did," I whispered to Jessica, "get here really quick. He must have hung up and rushed right over. That's pretty sweet, doncha think?"
    "Hey, that's right! You called him and told him about the Fiends!"
    Oh, shit.
    Jessica was shaking her head. "The things I'm gonna do to you when we have a little
    privacy – I think it's time to pour vinegar on your Jimmy Choos again."
    "No!" I practically screamed, beyond horrified. "Once was enough!"
    "Obviously not, since I've done it twice."
    I'd probably put up a psychological block the size of the Great Wall.
    "Anyway, here she is," Nick was saying. "I put her in the, uh, other parlor." He meant the one that was the least presentable of the four we had. Or was it five? Anyway, the
    wallpaper was faded and even torn in some places; the rugs were worn. And it smelled
    musty, like old books in an attic. We hardly ever spent any time in there. In a mansion this
    size, it was no trouble to ignore the less comfortable rooms and stick with the ones you
    liked. "She, uh, really stinks pretty bad."
    "Maybe she got caught out late and had to pop into the sewer," Tina suggested. "That's happened to me a time or two."
    "I'll see you later," Nick said, giving Jessica a noisy smack on the lips.
    "To be continued," she warned him, but at least she kissed him back.
    "Hello," Sinclair said. "I am King Sinclair, and this is Queen Elizabeth."
    The vampire, who had been huddled by the fireplace, turned to face us. "I know who you

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    Tina took one look, shrieked, "Clara the Fiend!" and launched herself at the smaller,
    smellier vampire.

Chapter 30
    Which was unbelievably startling, to say the least. Before I could move, or think, or react
    in any way, Sinclair's hand shot out almost faster than I could track, and he caught Tina by
    the back of her sweater. He held her in midair, her short legs kicking back and forth.
    Clara the Fiend had backed into the nearest corner and was pressing herself into it as if she
    could shove herself through the wall and disappear. Given Tina's sudden viciousness, I
    could hardly blame her. "Please, I came alone! Please, I just want to talk!"
    "Eric, put me down. " Tina was practically spitting. And she'd used his first name... oooh, he was in trouble now. "Put me down right now so I can – and you! You get out of my
    master's house, you wretch! You pathetic creeping thing, you disgust us all, and you insult their majesties with your very presence! How dare you come to their home! Get out,
    before I kill you!"
    "Tina, it's okay – " Jessica started.
    "Oh, Jesus." Nick had his gun out and was standing in front of Jessica. The gun barrel kept wavering between Clara and Tina.
    I couldn't blame him. I'd never seen Tina so out-of-control furious. I mean, I was scared of her, and I knew that under ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the circumstances, she not
    only wouldn't hurt me, she'd give her life to save me. Even Sinclair, much bigger and
    stronger, had to hang on to her with both hands. "Jesus, Jesus, these are the guys that
    clocked me in the nose the other day. These are the Fiends?"
    "They are," Sinclair replied, turning pale at the reference to God's son. "Tina, calm yourself. She appears to have come in peace."
    "And she'll leave in pieces!"
    "Good one," Jessica piped up from behind

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