TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles)

TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles) by Thomas H. Ward Page A

Book: TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles) by Thomas H. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas H. Ward
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to come in.
    T hirty minutes later Tommy radioed us, “We have no one alive, sorry to say. They were all killed in the clearing. We found one woman on the tenth floor and she has an ID card stating her name is Shanda Jones. She was shot in the head but not by us. It looks like she has been dead for a while.”
    I thought , Don’t mess with the Rangers. They just killed everyone in the building, and good or bad they are all dead.
    Tommy br ought back the ID card which had a picture on it and gave it to Amy. Amy showed little Shanda the picture ID and asked, “Is this your Mommy?”
    She replie d, “Yes! Where is she?”
    We were all s ilent.
    “ Shanda, honey, your Mommy and Daddy have gone to heaven. You know what heaven is?”
    “ Yes, I had a puppy that went to heaven.”
    Amy replied, “ Yes, that’s right. So don’t worry; this is your home now and we will be your new family.”    
    Little Shanda said, “Good I like it here. Do I call you Mommy now?”
    “Yes , if you like, call me Mommy.”
    S he hugged and kissed Amy on the cheek, then little Shanda went outside, jumped on the red bike I gave her and pedaled away.
    Amy yelled, “Don’t go far. Stay close to home!”
    Shanda called back, “OK, Mommy!”
    It seemed little Shanda did not fully understand what had happen ed to her mother and father. At that age, who does? Little Shanda was going to be fine as now she had clean clothes, meals, toys, family, and a nice home to live in where she could sleep in the safety of her own bedroom. She was better off here with us.
    Maybe one day she will call me Grandpa.

APRIL 25, 2025
    Captain Sessions called me on the radio and advised that the Federal Police were on the way. His small drone planes had spotted them approaching about ten miles away. He said he had his Rangers building defensive positions on both sides of the bridge and wanted me to come up to the bridge with Tommy and review the defensive lines.
    C olonel Turner had 100 Rangers moved up from Fort Desoto, or NO MAN’S LAND, to the bridge, all armed to the teeth and ready for action. Captain Sessions arranged the two Bradleys, one each on the east and west side of the road, and the Iron Maiden in the middle of the road at the start of the bridge, so no vehicle would be able to pass. Alongside of the vehicles sand bags were stacked and 50 caliber machine guns were placed at the far ends to allow for a cross fire pattern.
    Captain Sessions asked Tommy, “Can you set up a sniper position on the top of the high and dry boat building? It is about 50 feet high and should give you a good view.”
    Tommy said, “Great, I will get the Cobb 50 and the 308 rifle up there ASAP. Dad can be my spotter.”
    “ Good idea,” I replied.
    Sessions told us not to shoot until he gave the order over the radio. This defens ive spot on the building with the Cobb 50 would allow us to kill anyone within 1000 yards. The enemy would have no place to hide on the narrow roadway; it could be a blood bath. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when the shooting started.
    Tommy and I quickly scrambled up the ladder to the top of the 50-foot roof of the high and dry building. We asked some Rangers to help us bring up about 20 sand bags for protection and as a shooting platform. We piled the sand bags about two high in one row, leaving a small open space for us to place our rifles, acting as a shooting window. We would be lying on the roof so we needed blankets put down because the roof was so hot.
    W hen we were ready Tommy radioed to Captain Session, “Captain Sir we are all set on the rooftop.”
    Sessions answered, “Ok remember; do not fire until I give you the order to do so. Also, from now on maintain radio silence as the enemy may be listening.”
    “Yes Sir I copy,” Tommy replied.
    I admit I was nervous but also confident that we could defeat 100 Feds with our Rangers and defensive positions. Still I did not want anyone to be killed or hurt in the exchange.

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