To Save You

To Save You by Rebeca Ruiz

Book: To Save You by Rebeca Ruiz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebeca Ruiz
think that’s why she was so scared of you when you came into her life because you made her vulnerable and she could open up to you. But she let you in anyway. That girl loves you with all she’s got.”
    “Thanks, Dessie.”
    She gives me a weird look. “For what?” I smile.
    “Go to sleep.”
    I called James. I needed to know where Presley was. I hated not knowing. It made me feel uneasy even though I knew she was no longer a danger to herself.
    “She’s at the house. I don’t know if my mom will let you go see her, since she still is pretty fragile.” If I could call her, I would. Her mother has isolated her from the world, no internet, no phone, and according to James, it’s been working.
    “She’s not fragile.” I say.
    “She’s not fragile.” I repeat. “She’s strong. If there is one thing I know about Presley, it’s that she isn’t fragile, she’s far from it.”
    “You’re right.” He pauses. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
    “Nothing, why?”
    “I’ve come up with something to get you to see her.”
    I smiled at the thought of seeing her.
    “What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if I’m something she is going to let go?” I thought about Ashton’s words from her engagement party. What if Presley didn’t love me like she said?
    “You’re thinking about this way too hard, man. Trust me, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.” I felt a bit calmer already.
    Chapter Twenty One
    Presley Masters
    “A dog?” I look at my mother. She’s never even allowed a squirrel onto her yard, and she wanted to bring in a dog into the house?
    “Yes! You heard Dr. Hadley, a dog can help you with the healing process.” My mother would skin someone if it meant it would help with the healing process. She really was trying, and I loved her even more for it.
    Dr. Hadley was my official therapist from St. Sebastian. I talk to her about my medicine and my moods, and about how my week has gone. She’s awesome, old, but awesome. She works with my psychiatrist on my treatment. This past month has been a big roller coaster.
    Psychotic Depression. I originally had depression when I was fifteen. Just an imbalance in my brain. The antidepressants are helping with that part of my diagnosis. As for the psychotic part, I’ve had three episodes in the last few years. One of my antidepressants works also as a antipsychotic, so that’s managed as well.
    I was reluctant about the medicine at first. I was afraid that I would just feel numb all the time, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. The medication and the therapy sessions have helped tremendously, I remember the day I started to feel a bit happy.
    I cried.
    It was the day Cara left treatment. She’s originally from Iowa, so that’s where she was continuing her treatment. I felt happy for her, and I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I was happy for anyone else because I was always so wrapped up in myself and my problems.
    The last five years all I had felt was contentment, not joy. I let my life fill up with darkness, all I had to do was ask for help.
    Mathew was the only one who had helped me, he put my needs over his. I love him so much for that. I hated myself that it had to come down to what it did.
    “Where are we going to get a dog?” I ask my mother who was handing me her keys. It was part of the “we still trust you” exercise Dr. Hadley made her do so I could get her trust again. My mother let me drive everywhere.
    “Shelter. Just so you know, it’s not going to be our dog. It’s going to be yours, so you’ll be going in alone. You know, allergies.” My mother is allergic to cats.
    “What if I like a cat? Or a bunny? Or a snake?” I was toying with my mom. Her eyes widened. She really wasn’t cut out to be a pet owner. “Just kidding, I’ll stick with dogs.”
    “Please don’t pick a rumbustious one.” I turn on the car and pull out of our driveway. I get on the express way

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