To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry

Book: To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry
between the two of us,” she replied lightly.
    He raised a brow. And just like that, his earlier suspicions came to mind. Did she know that his mother had had an affair with one of the richest ranchers in the United States? And if so, what did she plan to do with the information?
    He kept his reply light. “Maybe if you stick around long enough, I’ll share all my family’s dirty laundry. But for now, would you like to dance?” he asked, as the band that had been on break returned to the stage.
    Standing, he walked to her side and held his hand out for her to take.
    * * *
    Sonia glanced down at his hand and placed her palm inside his without hesitation. The minute the band had set up and the music began in the softly lit restaurant, she’d wanted to dance with him. But the conversation had been so good she’d quickly lost track of time. Then she noted the change in him once she asked him to talk more about himself.
    Sonia knew she had said something wrong the minute the light dimmed in his blue eyes and his features, once relaxed, stiffened. But when he asked her to dance, she glanced at his face and saw the genuine warmth reflected inside.
    Gladly she had placed her hand in his, and allowed him to lead them to the small dance floor.
    When he brought her body close to his, she kept her hand in his and the other around his waist. With their nearly foot difference in height, she knew it would be awkward at best if she tried to place her arms at his shoulders.
    He didn’t seem to mind; in fact, he drew her nearer and swayed lightly with her in time to the surprisingly bluesy number the band was now playing.
    “Ranching was the only life I knew. The only life we’d been brought up knowing,” he began, his head low as his chin lightly rested against the top of her head. She drew in a breath when he began speaking, glad he couldn’t see her face, as she knew it reflected her surprise when he spoke willingly about himself.
    He spun her around lightly, deftly avoiding contact with another couple who’d joined them on the dance floor.
    As she listened to him talk about growing up on the ranch, her body completely relaxed into his.
    As they danced close, she felt him gently rub his chin back and forth against her hair while they moved as one, as though they’d been born to dance this way together, on the dance floor.
    This close to him, his natural musky, masculine scent reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into its heady embrace, and she shamelessly went along.
    Nuzzling her body close, she inhaled deeply. Not only did he look good, he smelled so incredibly good.
    Sonia loved a man who smelled good.
    And his scent was so appealing to her that her nipples beaded beneath the silk kimono. Held this close against him, she wondered if he could feel them against the wall of his rock-hard chest. When he brought their joined hands, which lay in between them, tighter against his chest and squeezed, she knew he had.
    She didn’t care, because just as he was affecting her, she was doing the same thing to him. Sonia smiled when she felt the hard edge of his shaft behind his slacks nudge her lower belly, stifling a groan at how good that felt, as well.
    Oh, God, if she’d didn’t get away from him soon, there was no telling what would happen, and all of her good intentions to leave it as just business would fly right out the window....
    He chose that moment to tilt her head back, and with his thumb, he forced her to look into his eyes. She caught the flash of hot desire within, a desire that matched her own.
    It felt good to finally be in his arms.
    “Come home with me.”
    * * *
    It felt right to have her in his arms. As Key stared down at the beautiful woman, he could no longer deny the attraction...the off-the-charts chemistry they had going on. And he no longer would.
    For now, tonight, he would take what fate had offered him on a beautiful, luscious platter. As for her agenda for him, long-term, he didn’t give a

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