To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry Page A

Book: To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry
    Not tonight.

Chapter 12
    S onia gazed up at Key as they made their way toward his home, her heels clicking loudly, seemingly too loud, against the stone pathway that led to the house.
    Nervously she looked around, wondering who, if anyone, was up at that time of night.
    “No one is around the ranch,” he murmured, his hand beneath her elbow as they walked toward the side door, the one he’d told her led to his separate suite of rooms.
    “The men who live here, their quarters aren’t on this side of the ranch, Dad is asleep and has been since this evening, and Nick is... Hell, who knows where Nick is.” He glanced down at her as he flipped open the keypad and swiftly pressed a series of numbers and opened the door, allowing her to enter in front of him.
    Once inside she followed him in the dark hallway until they reached a door and he opened it, again allowing her to go in front of him.
    The tension was thick with the knowledge of what she...what they, were going to do. What they’d both agreed, without verbal assent—to end their night together.
    Yet for all of that, nerves attacked Sonia. She felt his presence directly behind her in the dark room and drew in a deep breath, holding it.
    When she felt his lips fan the outer corner of her ear, that sensitive spot no other man seemed to have found, her stomach hollowed out.
    Hot, forbidden anticipation ripped through her, strong and fierce, until she felt every nerve on edge.
    She waited for him to turn on the light, say something, and nearly cried out loud when she felt his big hands settle on her shoulders and pull her body back against his.
    “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Sonia. I promise I won’t do anything to you that you don’t want done.” He made the promise in a low, deadly sexy voice, the minty breath again blowing against her earlobe.
    “You trust me, don’t you?” he asked, and after a brief hesitancy she nodded her head.
    His hands moved down her arms until he’d reached the underside of her breasts and he cupped them through the silk dress. Her heart stopped completely, and she had to force herself to breathe.
    She had never felt like this before, and he’d barely touched her.
    She suddenly stiffened against the feelings he was generating, fear beginning to sweep over her.
    When he swept a hand down inside the V of her dress, the air lodged in her throat, clogging it, and she released it in one long whoosh of air as his fingers deftly worked their way inside the next-to-nothing bra she wore.
    Her groan was long, harsh, and she heard his light masculine laughter. She licked lips gone dry and shoved at his hands, embarrassed that he found humor in her response.
    “I...I don’t think this was a good idea, Key, I—” His finger stopped her speech and he turned her around to face him. He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.
    “You affect me like no other woman has. I’m not sure what this is between us, Sonia, but trust me, you’re not alone in how you feel,” he said, and the sincerity of his words struck her directly in her heart.
    “But, as badly as I want you, just say the words and we can stop. I will never force you to do something that you don’t want to do,” he promised, and brought her hand up to meet his lips, delivering a soft kiss in the palm of her hand that had her melting on the spot.
    She swallowed and nodded her head.
    When he began to glide the sleeves of the dress down her arm, a shiver ran over her entire body, the beginning of an uncontrollable need making her tremble.
    * * *
    Key was impatient with the feel of their clothes. He pushed the straps of the silk dress down her arms, past her body to pool at her waist.
    He leaned back simply to look at her, his gaze centered on her firm, high breasts, the erect, tight little buds of her nipples pushing with insistence against the thin fabric.
    With a groan, he unhooked the front clasp and splayed his fingers across the soft brown globes,

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