Time is Money

Time is Money by Silk White

Book: Time is Money by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
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“Follow that van,” the cop that was in charge ordered.

Chapter 28
    No Turning Back

    W hen Stone got the call, he quickly hopped out of his bed. He had prayed the night before that Dana had taken his advice and decided to leave town and enjoy life, but when he got the call, he knew that she had done the exact opposite. Stone loved Dana, but he couldn’t sit back and just let her continue to rob banks and kill people. Everyone had choices and Dana had chosen to not take Stone’s advice and follow through with the heist. Stone weaved in and out of traffic like a mad man. He didn’t want to hurt Dana, but if it came down to him and her, he planned on doing what he had to do. He pulled up behind the surveillance van; smoothly slipped out his car and hopped in the back of the van. “What did I miss?” he asked immediately.
    “We followed their stolen van to that house five blocks down,” the plain clothes cop explained. “I already got S.W.A.T. on standby and from the looks of it, it looks like something major is about to go down.”
    Stone pulled a bulletproof vest over his head and strapped it on as he processed what the cop had just told him. A part of him still hoped and wished that Dana would opt out of the deal before it was too late. “Come on baby you are smarter than this,” Stone said to himself.

Chapter 29
    Time Is Money

    “T oday is business as usual,” Ghost said, looking each one of his team members in the eyes. “We all know the rules. We get in and get what we can in three minutes; time is money!”
    Under the table, in between Dana’s legs, rested a book bag full of all the cash she had made on all the previous jobs. Once this job was over, she planned on leaving town immediately and never coming back. She had no clue where she was going. Her plan was to get on a plane and just go. All morning her mind had been on Stone and the last thing she wanted was for him to be disappointed in her, but at the end of the day her brother needed her and after all he had done for her over the years, there was no way she could tell him no.
    “When this job is over we’re all going to go our separate ways,” Ghost coached. “We hot right now so I think it’ll be best if we all get low for a while after this.”
    Members nodded their head in agreement.
    Ghost looked over at Randy. “You got your strap on you?”
    “Of course,” Randy patted his waist.
    “Good,” Ghost smiled. “Change of plans, Randy you coming in with us this time,” he said and then turned his attention to Dougie. “Dougie I’m going to need you to drive.”
    “I got you,” Dougie replied. Ghost had already given him the heads up about Randy’s foul ways and the thought of it all disgusted Dougie.
    The foursome exited the house and hopped in the stolen van. The entire time, Ghost was secretly watching Randy. He kept a close eye on the snake in the grass. All morning Randy seemed nervous and jittery.
    “You sure you want me to come inside the bank with ya’ll?” Randy asked in a nervous tone.
    “You been asking to get your hands dirty so now is your chance,” Ghost said with a straight face. “Me and Dana will keep control of the place. All you have to do is fill these four duffle bags up with cash.”
    “I can handle that,” Randy said in a shaky tone.
    “You sure?” Ghost asked. “You look a little shaken up.”
    “I’m good, just a little tired. I been having trouble sleeping lately,” Randy lied.
    * * *
    Dougie pulled up across the street from the bank. “It’s show time!” he announced.
    “Everybody set your watch for three minutes,” Ghost order as he tossed Randy, Dougie’s, Ronald Reagan mask.
    “Dougie, you better keep this van running!” Ghost ordered.
    Dana slipped her Obama mask down over her face and grabbed her tech-9. She knew that once she put that mask on it was no turning back.
    Ghost rolled his Bill Clinton mask down over his face, grabbed his M-16 rifle, and hopped out the back of the

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