Time is Money

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Book: Time is Money by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
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van leading his team into the bank.
    * * *
    Stone watched from two blocks away as the heavily armed masked trio entered the bank. “Come on, we have to move now!” he ordered. Stone knew from watching the crew’s previous bank robbery tapes that they liked to be in and out. His plan was to creep up on the bank robbers while they were still in the bank. He wanted his men to be in position, on the side of the building so that as soon as Ghost and his crew stepped foot out the bank, him and his team would be right there to apprehend them or worst case scenario his team would have to put them down.
    Stone hopped out the back of the van with a machine gun in his hand. Behind him, ten heavily armed officers in riot gear followed his lead. Each member on Stone’s team had been briefed on how dangerous the bank robbers were and they were all prepared to shoot at will.
    The closer Stone made it to the side of the bank, the more his adrenalin began to pump. His palms were sweaty and clammy. His biggest fear had now become his reality. In a couple of minutes, the love of his life would be exiting the bank and it was sad to say, but Stone’s mind was already made up. He would be shooting first and asking questions later.

Chapter 30
    Three Minutes

    “E verybody on the fucking floor now!” Ghost yelled with his M-16 trained on the bank’s security guard.
    “You don’t want to do this buddy. You’re making a big mistake,” the security guard warned.
    Without warning Ghost blew the security guard’s head off in front of everybody. He then quickly hopped up on the counter gaining control of the situation. “Let’s move!”
    Dana kept a close eye on all the tellers while Randy grabbed the manager and rushed her in the back room. She hoped and prayed that nobody pulled the silent alarm today because she was already in a bad mood and she wouldn’t think twice about putting a bullet in someone’s head.
    “Bitch you better open this vault right motherfucking now!” Randy growled. The manager pulled the keys from her pocket, but couldn’t get her hand to stop shaking. “Bitch!” Randy barked as he back slapped the manager down to the floor, scooped the keys up off the floor, and let himself into the vault. Once inside the vault, Randy began to fill up all four duffle bags.
    * * *
    Dougie sat behind the wheel of the stolen van with a nervous look on his face. He wasn’t used to sitting outside. He was used to being on the inside around all of the action. Every car that drove by, Dougie swore that they were the police. Ever since he found out that Randy was working with the cops, he just knew that in any second, the place was going to be surrounded by cops. Just when Randy’s nerves began to settle down he spotted movement from the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw cops dressed in riot gear creeping up on the side of the bank. “Shit!” Dougie cursed as he grabbed the A.K. 47 that rested on the floor and quickly hopped out the van and opened fire on the police.
    * * *
    Once Stone and his team got into position, a burst of gunfire sounded off loudly. Stone watched as two members from his team were gunned down in cold blood. He quickly took cover behind a parked car as bullets pinged loudly off the car. His team quickly returned fire turning the one sided gun battle into a shootout.
    Dougie sprung from behind the van opening fire on the cops. He could have easily driven away and escaped on his own, but there was no way he was going to leave his team and let them get ambushed by the cops. That just wasn’t how he was brought up. He quickly ducked down behind the van as the cops returned fire.
    Dougie popped up from behind the van again and opened fire, but this time a bullet ripped through his shoulder and then his thigh causing him to drop down to the ground behind the van. He looked down and saw a big hole in his leg and blood everywhere. He tried to reach over and grab his gun

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