Time is Money

Time is Money by Silk White Page B

Book: Time is Money by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
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off the ground, but when he looked up, he saw two cops standing over him. Instead of reading him his rights, they put a bullet in his head instead.

Chapter 31
    Time to Go

    G host looked down at his watch and so far only a minute and a half had passed. He walked back and forth keeping a close eye on all of the bank employees. Today he didn’t want any innocent people to lose their lives. Ghost was about to yell something to Dana when he heard what sounded like a million different guns being fired outside. He hopped off the counter, looked out the front door, and saw Dougie shooting it out with several police officers. The first thing that popped into Ghost’s mind was Randy. Ghost had made sure he kept a close eye on all the employees so he knew there was no way that the cops would be there that fast without the silent alarm being pulled. More gunshots ringing out snapped Ghost out of his thoughts. Outside sounded like the Fourth of July. Right on queue Randy came running out of the back carrying four duffle bags, two in each hand.
    “What’s going on?” Randy asked as if he had no clue on what was going down. “Who shooting?”
    Ghost quickly turned his M-16 on Randy. “What kind of man would set his own family up?”
    “Ghost you bugging! You know I would never do no shit like that,” Randy lied with a straight face.
    Ghost shook his head sadly, as he pulled down on the trigger. It hurt him to watch the bullets rip through Randy’s body like a wet paper bag.
    “Come on we have to go!” Dana said as she quickly picked up two duffle bags and placed them over her shoulder. She knew that when Ghost killed Randy it would be like losing a brother, but at the end of the day, Randy had to go. Ratting out your family was unacceptable!
    Ghost grabbed the two remaining duffle bags as him and Dana headed for the exit. “I’ll cover you,” Ghost said as he exited the bank and opened fire on the police while Dana ran and hid behind a parked car.
    The M-16 rattled in Ghost’s hand as shell case after shell case popped out the side of the rifle. He watched as his M-16 bullets had cops dropping like flies. When he ran out of bullets, Dana popped up from behind the parked car and opened fire on the cops giving Ghost time to join her behind the parked car.
    Ghost hid behind the car as he slammed a fresh clip in the base of his gun. “Come we gotta go!” He sprung from behind the car and squeezed down on the trigger as him and Dana quickly back peddled over towards the getaway van.
    Dana tossed her two duffle bags in the back and hopped behind the wheel of the van. As she climbed in the van, she stepped over Dougie’s dead body. She hated to have to leave his body lying in the street like that, but she didn’t have time to grab him. “Come on Ghost!”
    Ghost opened the side door to the van, tossed his duffle bags in the back, and then went back and scooped up Dougie’s body and laid him in the back of the van as bullets pinged loudly off the body of the van. Once Ghost was in the van, Dana stomped down on the gas pedal flying away from the crime scene.
    “You almost got us killed!” Dana yelled.
    “I couldn’t just leave Dougie’s body in the middle of the street like that!” Ghost replied.
    “What’s the plan now?” Dana asked as she drove recklessly through the streets. “Hold on! Do you hear that?”
    “Hear what?”

    “Shhh, listen,” Dana said. The sound of a helicopter hovering over them could be heard loud and clear. “A helicopter.”
    “Shit!” Ghost cursed as he stuck his head out the window and looked up into the air. There it was, a helicopter following them and reporting their every move. Without thinking twice, Ghost grabbed his M-16, hung half his body out the window, and opened fire on the helicopter. Immediately the helicopter flew out of range.
    “We got company!” Dana yelled out. Behind the van, three cop cars trailed and a black Charger brought up the rear. Immediately Dana

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