Threesomes: For Couples Who Want to Know More

Threesomes: For Couples Who Want to Know More by Lainie Speiser

Book: Threesomes: For Couples Who Want to Know More by Lainie Speiser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lainie Speiser
talk with ever-so-subtle sexuality, or mention movies you’ve seen that you find sensual and have turned you on. If the woman in the couple mentions enjoying Angelina Jolie’s sex scenes in “Gia,” agree with her and add onto that. And as the conversation becomes more erotic, ask her if she’s ever been with a woman. If she asks you this question, then definitely see this as a roundabout question in relation to the two of them.
    At some point in the evening, they both will be making excuses to touch you—patting your back while you’re laughing or their telling you how fit you look, squeezing your calf or touching your stomach to emphasize it. When you and the girlfriend go to the bar or the bathroom, see how she looks at you and touches you. If you’re touching up your face in the bathroom and she stands behind you fluffing your hair, you’re in.
    Let her know that you’re happy to be there by reciprocating her actions and touches. Before you know it, you will get an invitation to come back to their place. When she takes a chance and leans in close to see your earrings or necklace, whisper something in her ear like, “You’re so sexy,” or be more mischievous and say, “Are you trying to seduce me and take me home with you?” When your eyes lock and you feel the heat, lean in to her and see whether she kisses you. Chances are she probably will, and more.

    Smile and say you’re excited , she’ll reciprocate with a kiss—a long, sensual one—and by the time you’re back at their place, things will have heated up nicely.
The Next Step
    So you’re in and you want to be in. If you live alone, invite them over for drinks and such. This isn’t so much for safety, but they may feel more comfortable being the ones to leave and being in a space other than their home. But if they do invite you back to their place, by all means go. It will allow you to continue playing the role of their sexy guest, whom they wait on, and to leave when you want. So do whichever you feel more comfortable with and whatever jives with the couple. If the couple is experienced at these kinds of things, they may even have a hotel room in town all ready for your tawdry little fling.
    I recommend leaving the moves to them. More often than not, there is probably a “no kissing my guy” rule, as this is most prevalent among couples. If they feel the need to tell you what the rules are, don’t take offense; it’s a preventive measure.
    If they have a car and he’s driving, get in the backseat and invite her to join you back there. Start heating things up that way. He will be driving and glancing in the mirror to see what’s going on. Hold her hand, cuddle with her, tell her she smells good, and nuzzle into her neck for a nibble and make her giggle. Smile and say you’re excited, she’ll reciprocate with a kiss—a long, sensual one—and by the time you’re back at their place, things will have heated up nicely.
    Once you’re at their place, be a good guest. If they want to give you the ten-cent tour that’s fine, it gives the whole thing a sense of normalcy. Compliment their taste in decorating and see where they want to direct you. Let them wait on you, serve you a drink, ask what kind of music you like, and so forth. Excuse yourself to the bathroom, even if you don’t have to go, so that you can collect yourself and allow them to get situated. When you return, they will be ready to spring into action.
    True Story: Tammy and the Married Couple
    Although not a big city model or actress, Tammy is no dowdy hausfrau either. Slim but curvy, with a mouth-watering waist-to-hip ratio, a huge smile of pearly white teeth, and a healthy glow to her skin, she is a Midwestern cutie living in Minnesota with two cats and a sweet husband. She’s as normal and as All-American as they come, except for one thing: Tammy has had sex with other married couples. But that was before she herself got married.
    “Its funny that I

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