They Were Born Upon Ashes
thoughts rambled at ludicrous rates.
    “If I were a betting man, which I am, then I would bet that your friend Nick Bint played a huge part in your release,” said George Belan. “I liked that boy just a few short weeks ago. And in that short period of time he has become one of the people I hate most in this world. He has not only lost me money by leaving but now he has freed you. And, Phillip, to your surprise and to mine, you have cost me quite a bit of money as well.”
    “I am sorry, Game Commissioner,” said Phillip. “Where do I report to?”
    “You’ll go to the main gate,” said Master Dekan. “The Refect here will show you the way out. A horse is ready for you to ride to Ralton where the king’s men request your presence. Do or do not, that is your will as a free man. Good day.”
    “Thank you, Master Dekan. And by the way, George, if you have not learned yet money and wealth does not equate to happiness. Maybe you could get into better shape, find a woman to love, and start a family. Then you will find happiness. True happiness. Not the false feeling of happiness you thought you acquired when you became rich.”
    “Get out of my office, you low life degenerate,” said George.
    Phillip turned around and walked away with the Refect. He not only was walking away from his old life, but on that day he was walking away from certain death. It was only a matter of time before he would have fallen in the arena. He was more than grateful for the opportunity to be able to die a free man.
    They gave Phillip the gold he had on him when he was arrested and sent him on his way through the gate. He felt like a new man as he walked up the grassy hill and looked out at the beautiful city. He could imagine Nick had felt exactly the same way that he felt in that moment. There was nothing quite like it. The river of emotions that flowed throughout Phillip could not be compared to any event he had ever experienced in the past. It was like he was a man made of gold. He felt as though a blade could not hurt him, no person’s words could hurt him, and no path in life was closed off.
    Everything he saw and heard from the hill as he looked at the city was incomparably beautiful to him; the sun’s warmth, the slight breeze, the smell of citrus through the air, the bird’s singing in the distance, the echoes of families walking the streets, and the simple yet elegant liveliness of the city. He took all of the elements in. He felt more alive than he had in years. Life was truly a blessing.
    He snickered to himself as he thought how insane he must look. He was still wearing the cloth given to him as an inmate, his hygiene was terrible, and he stood on the hill with a smile perched upon his face.
    To his surprise he finally noticed the black stallion a mere fifteen feet from where he was standing. The horse stood on the hill and gnawed at the bundle of hay left for him. His body twitched as he fought off the annoying onslaught of flies attracted to the horse’s stench.
    Phillip walked over and pat the horse. He had always felt like he had some sort of surreal connection with horses. For the longest time he had come to grips with the reality that he would never again ride a horse, or even see one for that matter. He hoisted himself onto the horse and rode him into the city.
    His first stop with his gold was the nearest clothing and goods store. He picked out a new outfit that he desperately needed in order to be looked at as a normal person. After that he proceeded to stock up on food and water.
    He wanted to go to Ralton to meet with the king’s men. He knew that Nick had played a huge part on his release but he still had no clue why he was walking around as a free man. He owed the king’s men and Nick his life.
    He had traveled the path from Vincot to Ralton and vice versa numerous times though out his life. He knew it was only a two day ride with a good horse. He got on his horse with all of his necessities, went out the main

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