They Were Born Upon Ashes
defend himself with the sword stretched straight across his body.
    Phillip screamed and the axe came down with such force that it split Downfall’s blade in half. Downfall received a crevice between his eyes.
    The crowd cheered as Phillip took his axe back from the lifeless body and claimed his victory. He put his arms up for the crowd and then quickly made his way back to the gate that lead to the dungeons.
    He was not the type of victor who would do laps around the arena and wave and blow kisses to the crowd. He was more humble than most.
    “Sinister! Sinister! Sinister!”
    The crowd chanted his arena name and it rung throughout the gates of Vincot.
    He was never too fond of the name given to him by the crowd. He felt the name did not fit who he really was as a person. But he understood that the crowd did not know Phillip Denize. They only knew of the merciless mad man with an axe.
    He walked through the gate and was met with the Refect gate keeper.
    “The head Refect and game commissioner would like to speak to you.”
    “About what?” asked Phillip.
    “None of my business,” said the Refect. “Come now. Let’s go.”
    They went down the elevator, through the armory, and through the closed door that no inmate stepped past.
    They walked down the hall and up the stairs into George Belan’s office.
    Game Commissioner George Belan sat behind his desk with a pile of papers on it. He wore his usual attire of white and gold jewelry. Head Refect Master Dekan stood at George’s side. He stood straight and looked Phillip dead in his eyes.
    “Congratulations on your win,” said Master Dekan.
    “Thank you,” said Phillip.
    “Looks as though the gods are on your side,” said Master Dekan.
    “How so?”
    “That fight has just won you your freedom,” said George.
    “Freedom? I still have years left in my sentence.”
    “Yes, you heard me correctly,” said George. “Do not be mistaken, though. Regardless of whether or not you are in this arena or are out in the streets once again, your life is just as insignificant. Do not ever forget that.”
    “Yes, sir,” replied Phillip. “Why are you letting me be free?”
    “An order from the ones who rank higher than us sent word,” said Master Dekan. “The king’s men requested your freedom in order for you to be at their side. That is all the information we have at this point. Their message was vague but it was sealed and signed by Jeffrey, the leader of the king’s men. We have no choice but to let you go. You just have to sign right here.”
    Master Dekan slid a paper to the other end of the table. It had a message that described the terms of release from the Vincot Arena. It was already signed by Master Dekan and George Belan.
    Phillip looked at the page. He then looked up at the two men and said, “Could one of you read it out loud. I was never taught how to read.”
    “You truly are a waste of life and space, Phillip,” said George while he snickered.
    “I apologize that I was never taught how to read,” said Phillip.
    Master Dekan let out a big sigh and said, “Fine, listen carefully. The page reads as follows: By special circumstances, by request of the king, or the governing body of Hentrio I, Phillip Denize, have been granted freedom from the Vincot Arena. My sentence will be cut short on this day and no further sentence shall be given now or at a later date for my convicted crime(s). This letter does not grant me the right to commit any crimes once I am free, nor does it imply that the crime(s) I was previously convicted of to be deemed as legal to commit. Game Commissioner George Belan and Head Refect Master Dekan have agreed to the terms of my release by signing here: George Belan ---- Master Dekan. Inmate signature to agree to the terms stated on this page here...”
    Phillip grabbed the pen and hastily signed the paper. He could not help but have a smile on his face as he finished his signature. A whirlpool of emotions flooded Phillip and his

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