There's Something About Werewolves: Seven Brides for Seven Shifters, Book 1
daydreamed about calling out strategies to Nox and cheering him on to beat his dad. She wanted Garrett to give her that “you’re going to find yourself in a lot of trouble if you keep that up” look he’d perfected. And when she refused to heed his warning she wanted him to pick her up and silence her with kisses. Maybe Nox would break them up, all the while holding his stomach and grousing about how nauseous they made him. That was what she dreamed of. And she wanted it so bad she had to turn away from them.
    Why not her? Garrett could’ve made a life with her rather than eloping with Tina. Then Nox would be hers. Garrett would be hers too and it wouldn’t matter that she’d lost her home yesterday because home would always be where they were.
    Her fist pounded a patch of bark off a tree trunk. She’d bottled up her emotions for so long they swelled inside her to the point of overflow. She thought she might pop if she didn’t let go soon. More than want, she needed to give her love to them, to Nox and Garrett, and she wanted them to give the same measure of love right back.
    Without a backward glance, she started to walk along the shoreline toward Garrett’s house. She and Gran were going to get the hell out of there. Garrett had nearly gone ballistic when Nox asked her to be his godmother for real and she’d said yes. Plus, he’d told her he had no plans on touching her again. He’d been playing the part of sexual maintenance man when he’d made her beg and moan and come that morning. It hadn’t meant anything more to him than a plumber snaking out a customer’s pipes.
    What else could she do with that knowledge? She needed to remove herself from temptation.
    “Leni, where are you going?” Nox yelled behind her.
    She didn’t turnaround. “I’m still pretty tired. I’m headed to the house.”
    A hand landed on her shoulder, stopping her cold. Garrett spun her around.
    Where the hell had he come from so fast?
    He leaned in to whisper, “You lied to Nox before. When we’re alone you’re going to tell me why you almost cried and what scared you so bad.”
    Lennox didn’t have the words. So much of the last three days felt unreal. Garrett knew things he shouldn’t, he moved faster than possible, and he and Ian acted like animals around each other. Not to mention the flickering eyes. She hadn’t had time to think about it thoroughly but things were wonky in LuPines. More than anything else Garrett’s hands on her made it impossible to think. If she had the choice, she’d collapse into his arms and let him take care of everything.
    Normally his tone and domineering ways would set her off. She didn’t have the strength to argue with him at the moment. She just stood there, a scrap of paper on the wind, waiting for fate to blow her wherever it chose.
    Garrett cleared his throat, loudly enough for Nox to hear. “We’ll go with you.”
    They’d never truly be with her. Not the way she wanted. Lennox shrugged away from the warm weight of the hand on her shoulder. “Can’t you just leave me alone?”

Chapter Nine
    Nox ran ahead. Tentatively he took Lennox’s hand. Garrett froze mid-step watching her body tense. Don’t do this, Elle. Not now, he silently begged her. He might have to intervene before Nox felt the sting of rejection in her stiff fingers.
    Garrett took a few steps forward. Lennox turned to look at his son. They stared at each other for longer than Garrett could stand. Then she pulled their grasped hands up to cover her heart and squeezed. Sighing, she and Nox strolled off as godmother and godson, their steps in perfect sync.
    For the first time in more than ten years Garrett had no idea what to do. Hell, he didn’t even know what he wanted out of this messed-up situation. Which made him antsy. Anderson G. Westlake always knew what he wanted. Okay, except for those rare moments when he didn’t. Like now. Aw hell, he’d started thinking in circles.
    Inventory time. The things he knew

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