The Z Word (A Zombie Novel)

The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington Page A

Book: The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Whittington
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country, even! There were also many front doors left ajar, which gave me the impression some had got inside, and there were more in the street from what my eyes could see.
    My feet began to stop once my eyes clocked two of them on my drive. One was stumbling around, as if it had no clue why it was there. The other one looked like a female from the back and appeared to be staring, or at least trying, through the frosted pane of the front door. I gestured with my hand for the girls to keep back while I dealt with the problem.
    The stumbler headed my way as soon as it saw me, followed quickly by the other one. My two-handed strike to its head was brutal and as it fell, the embedded crowbar went with it. I tried to pull it free and it eventually did.
    Before I could take down Z no.2—the starer, I heard a scream come from behind me. Kelly had fallen over with one of them on top of her. I was torn between dealing with The Starer and killing Kelly's attacker. I went over to Kelly and tried to pull the fiend off of her, but her screaming was attracting others as well as The Starer who was heading our way.
    "Give it to me." Clare held out her hand, waiting for me to give her the crowbar.
    "Watch you don't get anything in your eyes!" I said.
    I had managed to pull the ghoul off Kelly and watched Clare as she struck out at the zombie that was on my drive. The first strike didn't put the thing down, but it did seem to stun it a little, giving Clare time to compose herself for strike two. It fell backwards a little, but managed to stay on its feet. It walked forwards and I could hear Clare cry out, giving herself the extra strength to put the thing down. She hit the thing at the side while I still tried to hold Kelly's attacker back.
    The Starer fell against the side of the house and Clare gave it another blow. The bar hit the side of its head and its cranium took the blow and then bounced off the side of the wall, near my front door. It fell to the side and hit the concrete ground with a thump. Some of its head was missing, and dark liquid slowly trickled out from the gaping wound in its skull.
    I then threw Kelly's attacker to the ground, who quickly got up, and took the bloodied crowbar off of Clare. I then went over to destroy Kelly's attacker as I feared that it would approach the front door and possibly attract many others from afar, but it seemed that it was happening anyway because of her screaming.
    I told her, as politely as I could in such a dire situation, to shut the fuck up. She wasn't listening and I held the crowbar like a spear and rammed it into the skull of the middle-aged man—now-turned zombie—that had grabbed her. The weapon never made a dent. All it did was push the thing back and I cursed aloud and shook my head.
    I decided to hold the crowbar like a baseball bat and took the messier method. One swing to the side pretty much took a third of its head off. The debris fell to the floor, but it was still moving. The head was damaged, but the brain was untouched and still fully operational. Its hands went to grab me and my presence seemed to be enticing it away from the girls, and thankfully Kelly's screaming had now stopped.
    I took a step backwards and could see over the shoulder of the thing that at least seven were heading in the direction of my house.
    With the crowbar in hand, I was ready to take another swipe, but once the bar hit the side of its face, it slipped out of my hand and the thing stumbled and fell on top of me. I was a matter of inches away from its face and screamed at the girls to help me. I was lying on top of the crowbar and could feel it painfully digging into my back.
    Kelly immediately ran over and grabbed its clothes, trying to pull it off, whereas Clare was in the front garden looking around for something. Before I had the chance to scream at Clare to give Kelly a hand, she came over with a small branch in her hand that she had taken off the rose bush and grabbed the hair of the thing

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