The Z Word (A Zombie Novel)

The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington Page B

Book: The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Whittington
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very calmly.
    She then started stabbing at the exposed part of the head, stabbing its brain, and once it stopped moving, the girls dragged it off of me.
    "We've got bigger problems now," Clare spoke up and pointed at the small horde heading towards the house; the one closest was only ten yards from my drive. I placed my quivering hand into my back pocket and took out my house keys.
    "Let's get inside," I said.
    "A-fucking-men to tha'," Kelly spoke with a shiver in her voice. "I need to change this underwear."
    I placed the front door key into the door and stared in confusion once Kelly made her 'underwear' remark. Looking at my perplexed face, she said, "Let's just say: I'm a bit damp, and not in a good way."
    Her explanation didn't help me, then I heard Clare sigh, "For God's sake, she's pissed herself. Now open the fucking door; those cunts are right behind us."
    As soon as we got inside, I locked the door and left the keys dangling from the lock.
    "So what do we do, what do we do?" Clare quizzed, her adrenaline was making her body quaver uncontrollably. We were all feeling the same effects.
    "I'm not taking any chances," was my response. "Make sure every drop of water and food is in the attic. We stay in there for now. And barricade the downstairs the best we can."
    Clare said, "I thought you said barricading was a waste of time."
    "Just do it."

Chapter Thirty Four
    The day was coming to a close, and the bottom of the stairs was barricaded in case our little melee had attracted enough of them fuckers to force their way in. It had been hours since I had been downstairs and the hatch in the attic was up, ready for our sleep.
    We were all sitting in the attic, surrounded by boxes of stuff, bedding, food and drink from downstairs as well as kitchen utensils and a sports bag. Kelly said to me, "I was thinking about what ye said before to Clare, ye know, tha' ye think these...things are zombies."
    I nodded in response to Kelly's question. "I had already been through this with Clare. The signs are the same that you'd see in the movies, as well as the way they have to be killed."
    "I think ye might be right." Kelly scratched her overhanging belly that was poking out of her 'Easy Tiger' T-shirt.
    Clare released a muffled laugh and I ignored it.
    The evidence was staring at us right in the face, but she was refusing to believe it.
    A silence engulfed us and Kelly had decided to shatter the silence. "So what's your favourite movie, John?"
    "Zombie movie?"
    "Probably...Dawn of the Dead," I said with no hesitation. "The original."
    "We've got to survive. Somebody's got to survive." Kelly then released a laugh after her pathetic attempt at an American accent.
    I smiled. "That's the one."
    Kelly wasn't finished there. "What about: It's all in the tongue ."
    I answered, "Return of the Living Dead 3."
    "Very good."
    I held my hands up, trying to think. "Right, my turn. They're coming to get you —"
    "Night of the Living Dead. Too easy."
    Shaking my head at myself, I said, "Let me have another go. We're sitting here, like sitting ducks. "
    "Rise of the Zombies." Kelly had a conceited smirk on her face.
    "Wow. You're pretty good."
    "Or pretty sad, " Clare guffawed in the background.
    It was Kelly's turn. " You're all going to die down here ."
    "Resident Evil."
    "Okay, let me have another go." Kelly was lost in thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers when she had one. " Don't look back, Carl ."
    "That's not a movie," I laughed. "I thought we were doing movies?"
    Kelly sniggered. "Oh, I'm sorry, John." There was huge sarcasm wrapped in her words, but the mood was being lifted a little. "Next time, give me the rule book before we do this again."
    "My turn," I insisted; I cleared my throat. " You've got some red on you ."
    Kelly had a blank look on her face.
    I added, "Oh, you've got to be shittin' me."
    Then we all suddenly heard a crash. We looked at one another. I opened the hatch and the girls began to protest

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