The Z Word (A Zombie Novel)

The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington

Book: The Z Word (A Zombie Novel) by Shaun Whittington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Whittington
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bite out of my stomach, just below the belly button.
    Others shambled into the room, but I had woken up by then.
    As soon as I woke up, my hands felt for my non-existent wounds. A smile developed on my face once my brain had registered that it had been a dream, and for a few seconds I was sure that the whole episode had been a dream. I walked over to the back room window and peered out.
    It wasn't a dream. It was really happening.
    Although I was glad to be alive, I was disappointed that the whole zombie apocalypse was real. Before I had the chance to fall into a pit of depression, I was startled to hear an unusual sound coming from the living room.
    I scrunched my eyes in confusion and then realised the futuristic sound was my ringtone from my mobile phone. I walked out of the back room and through the hall to get to the living room to see my phone sitting on the docking station.
    I looked at my watch. I'd been out for twenty minutes. I guessed that the call was coming from Kelly's brother's phone, but it wasn't Kelly that was on the other line.
    Once I picked up the phone, I could hear Clare's voice.
    She was hysterical.

Chapter Thirty Two
    I took out my house keys out of the front door and peered out. It was reasonably clear, with the exception of a few zombies that could be cleared and outrun pretty easily. Despite feeling my bowels loosening, I left my place and began to run along my road.
    Kelly's brother had been carjacked, which meant that Kelly and Clare were on the grid-locked motorway, on foot. No one was allowing them into their vehicle for a safe refuge.
    The beginning of the motorway was only a mile away, but I had already arranged to meet Clare and Kelly halfway, as they were heading back to my house on foot.
    Clare had told me that Kelly's brother had been dragged out of the minibus and beaten up by some men while his kids screamed inside the vehicle. Her brother and her family were taken in by a man driving a BMW, but there was clearly no room for Clare and Kelly, so her brother borrowed them his phone to call me.

Chapter Thirty Three
    I took the crowbar with me and managed to get out of my street with no fuss. The only thing that concerned me a little was that I had attracted the attention of a couple of deadheads, but at the pace I was going, they eventually slipped away from view.
    I wasn't the fittest, but the adrenaline seemed to be getting me through this little unplanned, physical mission I had been given.
    At last, I could see the girls in the distance. The road that we were on was devoid of life, and I could count on one hand how many vehicles went past by the time the girls and I had reached the end of it, together. We all hugged wordlessly, and headed back to my house.
    We turned into my street without uttering a word to one another and kept on walking. Kelly was in tears; Clare looked shell-shocked, and I finally asked Kelly, "Is your brother and his family safe?"
    Kelly nodded. "I'm glad he managed to get in tha' car; the kids were hysterical. Nobody else would let Clare and I in their vehicle."
    I added, "But Clare said the motorway is grid-locked."
    "Nothing's movin'. We should 'ave listened to ye." It sounded like the last sentence pained Kelly, but I was in no mood or position to say 'I told you so,' I was just pleased that they were still alive, especially Clare.
    We saw two ghouls ahead in my street and, although out of breath, we managed to avoid them easily. I could see a fair few at the end of my road, but fortunately we didn't need to run that far to get back to my digs.
    We ran past a few cars and we crossed the road to get to my side of the street. My right hand was beginning to get clammy and I could feel the crowbar slipping through my palm. I swapped the weapon to my left hand and reached the pavement. We were only a matter of yards away from my house.
    I looked around the whole area to see that there was at least a dozen in all. God knows how many in the town, in the

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