The Wolf Prince
    He pulled her close. She felt the rumble in his chest. “You are as fierce as any warrior. Anyone who tried to harm you would put himself in danger.”
    “You better believe it,” she muttered.
    The humming in her ears was just a bit louder than the day before. She only hoped they discovered what caused it. She’d never heard of a race having the same birthmark or humming noises. Maybe the humming signaled impending death? That could be why she’d never heard of the race. There were only a few of them because everyone else had died.
    Was that what had happened to her parents? Maybe they had started hearing the humming, and it got loud enough that they knew they were going to die. She sniffed. Maybe they
loved her. Deep inside, Darcy had always wondered. Now it was more important than ever to discover Surlock’s identity.
    “Maybe Eddie has information,” she said. The mystery could be over sooner than she thought.
    But she noticed as they walked back, Surlock seemed to be on guard, his gaze darting past the trees and up the trail. He also put himself between the wooded area and herself. He was wrong about her being in danger.
    Great, she had her very own cover-model-sexy bodyguard by her side. Okay, that might not be so hard to adjust to—as long as he didn’t smother her.
    “Don’t worry so,” he said. “You’ll discover my identity, and we’ll learn why I’m here.”
    As they rounded the corner past a row of bushes and walked up the steps that led to the swimming pool, she leaned closer to Surlock, slipping her arm around his waist. It felt right when he draped his arm across her shoulders.
    “You two seem awfully cozy,” a male voice put in a little petulantly.
    Startled, her head jerked up. “Peter, what are you doing here?”
    Surlock gripped her arm, but showed no other outward sign that he’d slipped back into protective mode. Good grief, Peter offered no threat. She’d known him all her life. When they’d reached their teens, they’d even briefly dated, but it hadn’t lasted. He was more like a slightly older brother to her. Best buds. But why was he here now?
    “Is that any way to greet an ex-boyfriend?” His gaze strayed to Surlock, a smile playing about his lips.
    Did Surlock growl? It was a barely perceptible noise, but she was almost certain it was a growl. She squeezed his hand to reassure him she was in no danger.
    She hurried to Peter and let him embrace her in a hug. “I’ll murder you later,” she whispered, then quickly stepped away. She certainly didn’t want Surlock going into attack mode. Not that she really thought he would. Just in case, she hurried back to Surlock, who looked quite grim.
    “Peter is an old friend. I’ve known him all my life,” she quickly assured Surlock. “Peter, this is Surlock, a new friend.”
    Peter stepped forward, reaching out with his hand. “Ouch. You make me feel quite ancient, Dar.” He followed his words with laughter.
    Peter was nice looking, very
with light blond hair. He was always impeccably dressed. Today he wore a beige pullover top and deep green slacks.
    “It’s nice to meet a friend of Darcy’s,” he said.
    Surlock looked at Peter’s hand, but didn’t take it. Peter’s eyebrow rose.
    “He’s not from around here,” she quickly intervened, turning to Surlock. “It’s customary to shake someone’s hand.” She took Peter’s hand and shook it, then aimed Surlock’s hand toward Peter’s. Surlock was not being very cooperative, but he did take Peter’s hand finally and they shook.
    “That’s some grip you have there. Almost like you actually work for a living,” Peter said. “Where exactly are you from?”
    “Sweden,” Darcy said quickly. “How long are you down for, Peter?”
    “A few weeks.” His cell rang. “Excuse me. It would seem I can never get away from business and since I am the vice-president of my father’s paper company … Well, I’m sure you understand.” He took his

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