The Wolf Fount
building filled with vehicles, and into the elevator. She looked up at the control panel to discover they were descending and felt a sluggish panic. I’m never going to leave here. Wherever here is .
    Pressure on her side turned her head. She met Thane’s calm eyes. It was his leg touching her. He hadn’t said a word. Not a single one from the moment he’d stepped into Calhoun’s suite at the club. What the hell was a were-liger? Why had Calhoun decided to pass her off to him?
    Well, duh, because you tried to bite his nephew . Morgan lowered her head, watching the elevator doors. It wasn’t my fault he smelled... wrong . She felt her muzzle wrinkle at the memory of that odd mustiness exuding from the vampire. Sebastian’s scent had triggered a new instinct. If he hadn’t shown up ...
    No, that wasn’t exactly fair or truthful. She’d been pissed before then, by Calhoun’s manhandling of her after forcing her to change shapes. Admittedly through Jake, who Morgan placed at Number Two on her shit list. But it was Calhoun’s doing, not giving her more time.
    Even now, stuck as a wolf, she couldn’t quite rid herself of her attraction to Calhoun. I should hate his guts for this bullshit .
    The elevator stopped, the doors sliding open. Morgan followed her jailer out to find a carpeted corridor filled with doors on each side. The doors were spaced well apart. Calhoun had said something about apartment levels. This had to be one of those.
    So she wasn’t going to be put in a cell. That knowledge lessened the panic she’d begun to feel. Which was good, because Calhoun had also said she wouldn’t be able to change back until she calmed down. Morgan wanted to change back, return to the shape she knew. Once human again, surely she’d find a way to get the hell out of Dodge.
    Maybe Thane would prove easy to manipulate. She glanced upward to study him. He noticed, but his expression didn’t change. His only reaction was a blink, before they reached a particular door. After he opened it, he waited for her to step inside first.
    Morgan entered to find herself in a good-sized living room. Her new nose informed her that it was probably Thane’s apartment, because his scent permeated the place. Confused, she took a few steps more before halting to examine the room more closely.
    Thane shut the door and crossed to set her belongings down on the wooden coffee table. The furniture was comfortable looking, but nothing fancy. The color scheme didn’t match Calhoun’s. Evidently, the were-liger preferred browns and greens.
    She watched him sit down on the overstuffed sofa and pat it. Instead of accepting the invitation, Morgan sat down where she was at and stared at Thane. He stared back.
    Well, this isn’t going to accomplish shit . She didn’t move though. Neither did he. They sat there for a while, until her patience ran out. Morgan growled, causing the were-liger to tilt his head and raise an eyebrow.
    He didn’t seem worried by the aggressive sound. She had to admit, he probably didn’t have any reason to be. It’s not like she could do anything to him. Thane was big and strong enough to keep her from that.
    Why was she here? Was he supposed to be some sort of counselor for her? Kind of hard to be that if he didn’t talk.
    Thane patted the sofa again. With a heavy sigh, Morgan stood and walked over to clamber onto it beside him. Once there, she wasn’t sure what to do. After a few seconds, weariness began to slow her thoughts and she lay down. It felt natural to rest her muzzle on Thane’s thigh, at which point he began to gently stroke her back.
    She startled when he began to purr, but quickly relaxed. Obviously, a were-liger was some sort of feline. The deep, rolling sound continued for some time, until Morgan was close to falling asleep. She felt a strange sensation and opened her eyes to find she was no longer a wolf.
    “Thank God.” She shoved herself upright, belatedly realizing she was naked. Her jailer had

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