The Winner Takes It All (A Something New Novel)

The Winner Takes It All (A Something New Novel) by Jennifer Dawson

Book: The Winner Takes It All (A Something New Novel) by Jennifer Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Dawson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
it’s not that I don’t want to, I do. But I went over to Gracie’s and she sounded so swamped.” Her perfect mouth curved into a frown. “And, well, I offered to help.”
    An interesting turn of events Shane hadn’t expected.
    Maddie’s eyes widened, apparently as surprised as he was. “How sweet. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
    Cecilia tilted her head, her blue-gray eyes still clouded. “Can I take a rain check on shopping? Because I would like to go.”
    Maddie patted her hand. “Of course, I’d like that.”
    Cecilia’s tight expression eased. “Me too.”
    Shane saw an opportunity and took it. “It’s settled then.”
    “What is?” Maddie asked.
    “Since you cooked, it’s only fair Cecilia and I do the dishes. That way you can go get ready.”
    Cecilia blinked, opened her mouth then shut it again.
    Maddie threw down her napkin and bounded from the chair. “I never turn down a chance to get out of cleaning.”
    Cecilia’s hand clenched on her butter knife, and Shane wondered if she contemplated throwing it.
    All innocence, he smiled at her. “I’m sure even a rich girl like you can do the dishes.”

    That jerk!
    Cecilia gritted her teeth as Maddie left the kitchen like she was on fire.
    He’d manipulated the situation. He knew perfectly well she couldn’t object without looking like an insolent houseguest. She cataloged all the ways she could maim him with a butter knife—the list longer than she’d have thought.
    She glared at him.
    He looked so smug.
    She threw her napkin down on the table. “You are the most despicable man on the planet.”
    He laughed. “I’d never have figured you for a drama queen.”
    “I am not. A drama queen,” she hissed, leaning across the table. “You tricked me into being alone with you.”
    “Of course I did.”
    She let out a tiny scream. Ugh! She hated this about him. He wasn’t supposed to be forthcoming. It was so irritating. “You don’t even have the audacity to deny it!”
    He shrugged one shoulder, highlighted to perfection in a black T-shirt that stretched over his chest and biceps in a way that should be considered illegal. “Nope.”
    “Nope?! That’s it?” She sliced a hand through the air. “Just nope?”
    “What would you like me to say?” he asked, his attitude so mild and calm she wanted to throttle him. He was enjoying himself way too much.
    Somewhere in the back of her mind, rational thought still prevailed, urging her to slow down. With a deep inhale she sat back. He wanted to rattle her. He baited her on purpose. If she didn’t give him what he wanted, he’d stop.
    She steeled her spine and smoothed her expression over. “Nothing.” She stood. “We’d better get to work. Gracie is expecting me.”
    She grabbed a handful of dishes and carried them over to the sink.
    “That reminds me, why are you helping Gracie?” he asked in that amused tone of his.
    She forced herself to gently place the plates in the sink instead of throwing them at his head. “That’s none of your business.” Pleased she sounded like her normal, unruffled self.
    She studied the faucet. A new stainless steel number with a high arch that looked sleek and expensive. She frowned. There wasn’t a handle.
    “So you’re going to play it that way, are you?”
    How in the hell did you turn this thing on? “I’m not playing it any way. What I do or don’t do is none of your concern.”
    The chair scraped and a second later he was behind her. She could feel the heat of his body. She held her breath as he reached around her, standing way too close. Lungs burning, she sucked in air.
    Detached. Cool. All the things she was so good at. She just needed to ignore him until he stopped.
    Those long, strong fingers of his brushed over the faucet’s arch and the water went on. “It’s activated by touch, rich girl.”
    He didn’t move away.
    She closed her eyes against the spike of desire, raw and hot, that burned brighter every time they were in the

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