crept behind her and whispered, “Is this my surprise?”
Normally, I would have crept up behind her and covered her eyes and said, ‘Guess who?’
Or something cheesy like, ‘Have you been waiting for me all your life?’
But this time I just said what was in my heart and mind.
She didn’t hesitate to swing around and hug me so tight.
“This is what I wanted to tell you. Not on the phone, or Skype or anything. We’re having a baby. You and I.”
I nodded, because I was speechless; she had a big bump so it was obvious that she was having a baby. Not only a baby, but my baby.
She stopped crying and as tears swelled in my eyes, she whispered, “I’m having the wide receiver’s baby, and his name is Logan Collins. Tell him that I’m the love of his life.”
I nodded, “I’ll tell him, when you promise to stop keeping secrets from me. You should have told me the moment you knew, woman.”
She smiled as she wiped the tears that were falling from my cheek, “I’m telling you now.”
I nodded, but now felt late. As if I had missed such an important part of her life. She never knew that I knew that she was living in my house. She never knew that I had already been told about the baby. Unlike most people in my house, there was one man that had a big mouth. Dad had told me, I just didn’t believe that it was really real until now.
Chapter Thirty Three
As we entered the room, the first thing I did, which I should have done when I got here earlier, was call Marie to tell her that we had both arrived. She said that she would tell Mom and Richard. I sent Todd a message to let him know that his car was safe.
He replied back saying:
Good, I hope you are too. But remember keep my car safe :)
I knew he was only joking and only a true friend would lend me their car to drive so many miles.
“I can’t believe that we’re here for Christmas.” This wasn’t how I’d been planning on telling Logan the news, or spending Christmas. But laying down with his arms wrapped so tightly around me, I was just enjoying his company.
“So, what happened to your Dad in the end?” he swiftly changed the subject. All he wanted to do was talk. I never knew Logan could talk so much until now, but then again we had a lot of catching up to do.
“Well, he moved back into the house. He was thrown out by his girlfriend,” I sat up; laying down on his chest for too long was starting to make me feel uncomfortable and one thing about this pregnancy was, I needed feeding all the time. I had stopped way too many times on the way here and now I needed feeding again, and this time I had room service on my mind.
“Mom and Dad lived there alone and I lived at yours for a while with Brian. But then Mom moved in when she finally came to her senses - which seemed to drag on for weeks - before the house sale came through, and soon we’ll all be moving to another home.”
He nodded, “So, they’re going to split the house 50/50?”
I told him how fantastic his parents had been letting us stay, helping me make my decision with regards to the pregnancy, and that was when he confessed.
“I knew all along.”
He didn’t turn and look at me. Instead his focus was out of the window, so I was trying to figure out which part he knew.
“The pregnancy? My Dad? What?”
“Your Dad, no. Well, not really all of it, because I wasn’t really interested in what he was doing. More what you were doing.”
Silly me, I should have known better then to ask a man to keep a secret. It didn’t take a genius to figure out how he knew; it must have been Richard.
Probably why he’d spent the first week avoiding me when he’d come back from his trip. Marie said he was tired and probably the secrets were killing him, but I didn’t know him well enough to think that it was anything other than what Marie had said. Richard hated keeping secrets. Especially when he didn’t really agree to Logan being left in the dark.
I thought about one secret that Olivia
Ally Carter
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Robert B. Parker
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Genevieve Jourdin