The Wicked Baron
left her partner and moved forward a little.
    ‘Oho,’ she said softly, ‘Darvell, here is a woman immune to your charms. How can this be, Miss Rivington?’
    ‘It would be a very sad world if we all liked the same thing,’ returned Carlotta, her cheeks hot. She was beginning to regret her rash words and wished someone would turn the conversation to safer channels.
    ‘Indeed, but there are some things we must all value, and Lord Darvell has them in abundance.’ Mrs Daniels waswatching Carlotta, a small, contemptuous smile playing around her mouth. ‘Pray, Miss Rivington, tell us what you find attractive in a man?’
    ‘Yes, Miss Rivington.’ Luke came forward until the candlelight was reflected in his eyes, like little dancing devils. ‘Tell us what qualities you admire?’
    Carlotta looked around the little group: they were all watching her, but for once she was not put out by this. She felt a little reckless and looked up fearlessly to meet the challenge in Luke’s eyes.
    ‘Honesty, integrity, a sense of honour,’ she ticked them off on her fingers.
    Mrs Daniels laughed; Carlotta watched her throw back her head, giving everyone the opportunity to admire her fine neck and shoulders.
    ‘My dear, those are the attributes of every gentleman.’
    ‘But are they the attributes of every lord?’ flashed Carlotta.
    A ripple of amusement ran around the group.
    ‘Now you intrigue me, Miss Rivington,’ murmured Mrs Daniels. ‘Darvell, is this aimed at you? What scandalous things can she know of you? Pray, Miss Rivington, do tell us.’
    Carlotta gave another of her haughty looks. Really, she was growing quite adept at this. ‘No more or less than anyone has heard of the Wicked Baron.’
    Luke was watching her. He said softly, ‘Come, Miss Rivington, will you not give me the opportunity to defend myself?’
    She put her closed fan to her lips and modestly cast down her eyes. ‘A lady does not indulge in idle gossip, my lord.’
    With a smile she left the group. She had not intended to be so outspoken, but it had been worth it to see the startled look upon Luke’s face, to hear the whispered murmurs ofthose around her. She heard Julia begin her piano piece; with everyone’s attention upon the music, she slipped away. The sensation of having rocked Luke from his indifference elated her and she wanted a little solitude to savour the sensation. All the reception rooms were crowded, but in one corner of the main salon, behind a silk screen, she spotted a small door. It was covered in the same Chinese paper as the walls and she would not have noticed it if it had not been ajar. Most likely it was a servants’ passage, or perhaps another way to the stairs.
    Desperate for a little cool air, Carlotta slipped through the door. The light from the salon illuminated the opening, but beyond that the corridor was black, the dark panelling on the walls adding to its gloom. She slipped into the darkness and took a few steps into the cool passage. In the distance she could discern a glimmer of light, but it was at the far end of the passage and Carlotta decided she should go back. As she turned to retrace her steps she saw a figure in the corridor behind her. She could see nothing but the black outline of the man, but she knew immediately it was Luke. He had followed her through the rooms! Blind, unreasoning panic overtook her. Carlotta picked up her skirts and ran.
    She made for the patch of light in the distance. It was a doorway, opening into a bare, moonlit room. Carlotta ran in, glad to be out of the cloying darkness. The moonlight flooded in through long windows that filled three of the walls and showed that the room was completely empty. This must be Lady Yatebury’s new orangery, she thought as she breathed in the familiar smells of fresh plaster and new paint. Her buoyant mood was fading fast; she was tired and her head was aching. After the noisy, overheated ballroom the conservatory was blessedly cool and peaceful.She

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