The Vampire's Love

The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray

Book: The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Gray
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wide hallway.  After they had retired and Val had fallen asleep, she had
waited a few hours.  She was tired but her need to find Michael, to assure
herself that he was alright, was too strong to ignore.
    “Of course,
I have no idea where the slave quarters are.”  Abby muttered to
Violet.  “Do you think they keep them under the castle?  In the
movies, the dungeons are always under the castle.”
    She passed
silently through the great room where they had dined with Darius and the
others.  She eased open the large door and peered into the hallway before
quickly walking to the door at the end.  Already she was a bit turned
around.  She thought she might be headed deeper into the castle but for
all she knew she could be –
    She gave a
startled yelp when the door opened and the short, plump brunette that Faren had
been feeding from last night, pushed her way into the hallway.  She was
carrying a large tray that was piled high with bread and she screamed
breathlessly when she saw Abigail.
    The tray
dropped to the stone floor with a deafening clatter, and both she and Abby
winced and glanced around nervously before the slave girl dropped to her knees
and began to gather the scattered bread.
    “I’m so
sorry!”  Abby crouched down and picked up a few of the loaves.  “I
didn’t mean to startle you.”
alright.”  The girl gave her a timid smile.  “Are you lost?”
little.”  Abby admitted.
    “Why are
you awake?”  The slave girl asked curiously.  “Do you not sleep with
your master?”
do.  I guess I’m just a little too keyed up to sleep.”  Abigail
    “I am
surprised that the Lord Joven does not chain you to the bed, seeing that he
only just bought you.”  The girl said.  “My first master kept me
chained for months before he was certain that I was too attached to him to
frowned.  “The Lord Joven knows I can be trusted, despite our short
    “I suppose
that’s true.  You do seem to fancy him quite a bit.”  The girl gave
her a shy look.  “He is a very handsome man.”
    “Is Darius
your master?”  Abigail asked.
no.  I’m one of the lower class slaves.  I have no master.”  She
raised her head to show her bare neck.  “Darius’ men share me.”
frowned.  “How do you control your need for them once they have bitten
    “It can be
difficult.”  The girl admitted.  “It is,” she hesitated, “strange to
find yourself longing after a different man nearly every night.”
    “You were
with Faren last night?”  Abigail asked.
The girl paused and flushed prettily.  “I do hope he chooses me again this
evening.  He was very kind to me when we retired to his room.”
    “Do you
really have no choice in who feeds from you every night?”  Abigail asked.
    The girl
shrugged.  “I’ve been in a lot worse situations.  At least here there
is a warm, dry place for me to sleep and only a few of Darius’ men like to use
their fists.”
took her arm and squeezed it gently.  “You are beaten?”
    “Who beats
you?”  Abigail scowled.
    “Tavien is
the worst.”  The girl shuddered visibly.  “Luckily he doesn’t pick me
often to feed from.  He favours the slender ones.”
Is he the one with the birthmark?”
    The girl
nodded.  “Yes, he’s the Lord Darius’ closest advisor.  He’s got a
nasty temper.”
your name?”  Abigail asked as they finished piling the bread on the tray.
Abigail.  It’s nice to meet you, Sienna.”  She held her hand out and
the girl hesitated before shaking it briefly.
    “It’s nice
to meet you as well.”  She heaved the tray up, her biceps bulging with the
effort, and Abby quickly took one end.
    “Here, let me
help you with this.”
    “Oh, that’s
alright.  I can manage.”  Sienna

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