The Vampire's Love

The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray Page B

Book: The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Gray
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ass with his
hard hand.  “You’re a little slut then, aren’t you?”
shrugged and stepped away from him.  “Will you open the door, Jeremiah?
 I’m sure the slaves would like their dinner.”
    The bear
shifter squeezed her ass once more before pulling the ring of keys from a hook on
the wall to the right of the door.  He opened it and Abigail smiled
sweetly at him before following Sienna through the doorway.

Chapter 9
glanced around curiously.  They were in a small windowless room that had a
small bench to their right and nothing else.  Ahead of them was doorway
that opened up into a long, wide hallway.  Barred rooms lined it and she
could see a few grimy fists wrapped around the thick steel bars.
    “Do not get
to close to the bars.”  Sienna said anxiously.  “Just place the bread
on the tray and push it through the opening at the bottom.  Each slave is
allowed one loaf of bread.”
    “Is this
all they are given to eat?”  Abigail asked.
We bring them meat and vegetables in the evening.  Lord Darius used to
give them only bread but it made them too weak to fight.  They put on a
better show when they are given meat.” 
    She led
Abigail into the hallway and they set the large tray on the floor.  Sienna
moved to the first cell on the left and deposited three loaves of bread on the
tray that was placed on the floor in front of it before shoving it through the
narrow opening at the bottom of the cell.  She smiled briefly at its
occupants before moving on to the next.
    Abby peered
into the first cell on the right.  Two of the largest women she’d ever
seen were sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall.  The
bigger of the two had short dark hair and her nose was canted to the
left.  She grinned at Abby, revealing a mouthful of missing and broken
teeth, and Abby gave her a small smile in return.
new.”  She stood with a lazy grace and moved to the front of the
cell.  “Look Dalia, fresh meat.”
    “I see her
Ursula.”  The smaller one grunted.  She didn’t join her sister at the
front of the cell.  “Hurry up with the bread, slave.  My sister and I
are starving.”
Abigail replied.  She quickly piled two of the larger loaves on to the
tray in front of their cell and shoved it through the opening, being careful
not to lean to close to the bars.  Ursula inhaled deeply. 
    “You smell
moved to the next cell.  This one held four men of varying sizes and they
all gave her the same look of weary resignation when she pushed the bread into
the cell.
    As she
stooped to gather more bread she heard Sienna murmur quietly, “Hello, Neil.”
stiffened and then hurried toward the plump woman.  She was reaching into
the bars and a soft giggle escaped from her lips as Abby joined her.  She
breathed a sigh of relief.  Neil, his face battered and bruised, was
holding Sienna’s hand.  He brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles
looking lovely today, Sienna.”
you.”  Sienna gave him a shy look as Neil’s gaze drifted to Abby.
    His mouth
dropped open and he released Sienna’s hand before taking a step
backwards.  “Abby?”
Abby, tears starting to slide down her cheeks, reached through the bars. 
Neil shook his head in disbelief before stepping forward.  They embraced
through the bars as Sienna blinked at them in surprise.
Neil.  I’m so happy to see you.”  Abby stroked the large man’s face
as he gazed in shock at her.
    “Abby, I –
I thought you were dead.”
Abby shook her head.  “Where is Maria?  Is she alright?”
She’s two cells down.”  Neil looked her up and down.  “What happened
to you, Abby?  You look so different.”
    Abby smiled
at him.  “I am different.  It’s a long story.”
    “Were you
captured by Darius?”  Neil frowned.
cleared her

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