The Vampire's Love

The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray Page A

Book: The Vampire's Love by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Gray
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    “Don’t be
silly.  I don’t mind at all.”
    The two
women carried the tray down the hallway.  As they rounded the corner,
Abigail realized they were back in the main hall.  She could see the front
door ahead of them and she gave Sienna a curious look.
    “Where are
you taking all of this bread?”
    “To the
fighting slaves.”  Sienna opened the front door and they stepped out into
the bright sunlight. 
heartbeat quickened as she squinted in the light.  “They keep them
    “They keep
them in a building behind the main castle.”  Sienna replied. 
    They walked
around the side of the castle and Abigail studied the stone building about ten
feet behind the castle.  To the left of it a curved stone wall rose up
nearly forty feet in the air.
    “What is
that?”  Abby pointed with her chin to the wall.
where the games happen.”  Sienna answered.  “Lord Darius had it built
two months ago.  He calls it the arena.  There are rows of seats for
people to watch the slaves fight.”
    “Like the
Romans and their damn Colosseum.”  Abigail muttered.
who?”  Sienna asked curiously.
mind.”  Abigail smiled at her as they approached the building.  “Is
Darius not afraid that the slaves will escape while the vampires are in their
shook her head.  “It is not possible.  They are guarded by bear
kidding me?  Shifters working for vampires?”  Abigail said in
Sienna replied.  She was starting to look a bit nervous and she gave
Abigail a worried look.  “Perhaps you should stay out here.  The
shifters are suspicious of new people.”
    Abby shook
her head.  “This tray is too heavy for you.  I am not afraid of
    Sienna gave
her an admiring look.  “I am not sure whether you are the most foolish
woman I’ve met or the bravest.”
    “I am
neither.”  Abby grinned at her.  “Although my mother might have made
a strong argument for foolish.”
laughed and opened the thick, wooden door of the stone building. 
Balancing the large tray between them, the women stepped into the cool
darkness.  There was a low growling from ahead of them and Abby squinted
into the dimness.  Her eyes had not yet adjusted to the gloom and she
could just make out the dark shape coming toward them.
    “Who is
this?”  A man, he was huge with a dark beard that hung halfway to his
chest and small beady eyes, gave her a suspicious look.
another slave.”  Sienna squeaked nervously.
she?”  The man leaned forward and sniffed Abigail.  “Why is she
    “The tray
is too heavy for her.”  Abigail smiled cheerfully at him.  “I offered
to assist her.”
    “Does the
Lord Darius know?”  The bear shifter grunted.
    “I am only
being helpful, my lord.”  Abby gave him another smile before touching his
arm lightly.  “Surely you do not believe I am a threat to such a large,
impressive man such as yourself?”
    The shifter
growled dismissively but stood a little straighter before looking Abigail up
and down.  “Do you belong to one of the leeches?”
does.”  Sienna said quickly.  “She is the Lord Joven’s personal
    “Is she
now?”  The shifter leaned forward and sniffed her again.  “Have you
ever been with a shifter before, girl?”
haven’t.”  Abby purred softly.  “Not yet, anyway.”
    “Well, if
you ever get tired of being the leech’s meal, you come and see me.  I have
forgotten more about fucking a woman than a leech will ever know.”
very kind of you.”  Abigail gave him a slow smile.  “What’s your
name, handsome?”
The bear shifter reached out and squeezed her hip before sliding his hand
around to her ass.
Abigail.  It’s very good to meet you, Jeremiah.”
    The shifter
grinned at her, revealing large yellow teeth, before squeezing her

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