The Tournament

The Tournament by Scarlett Vora

Book: The Tournament by Scarlett Vora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Vora
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her thighs. "I know what you can do for me," he said. "But what can I do for you?"  
    Ruby tilted her head to one side. "What can you tell me about dragons?"  
      "Careful," said War. "Now I know who you are."
    "Yes," Ruby agreed. "But I am not ashamed."
    "The dragons live in the mountains of Morrow, and they are fearsome creatures. Even a small band of dragons could lay waste to our armies, and they know it. We have a peace treaty, but it is very much in their favor."
    "Ah," said Ruby.
    "The dragons need humans to breed. The Treaty allows them to take any woman who consents to mate with them, though such encounters have always proven fatal." War raised his eyebrows at her. "Until the doctor saved you."
    "I am lucky to be alive," Ruby said.
    "Do not speak of luck," said War. "Zov was sent to us as their ambassador. He has lived among us for years, and we should have suspected that, once he learned our laws, he would pervert them to his own purposes. We failed, and the cost may be great. How can we hold a Tournament when the dragons wait to prey on our aspirants? You may be one of the last women to ever endure the Tents, or enjoy the Pavilion."  
    "Thank you," said Ruby. "Now I understand what happened, and I am grateful. Will you ask something of me?"  
    War opened his legs wide, and she knelt between them. His cock was thick, a little stubby, in a nest of half-gray hair. Ruby wetted it with slow licks before taking it in her mouth. She sucked and squeezed until her jaws ached and her hands began to cramp. Finally the minister began to pump his hips as she sucked, to wheeze as he approached his crisis, but before he could come, he grabbed her hair and pulled her free.
    "Not so fast," said War. "It's been a long time since I had such a fine pair of lips wrapped around my cock. I want to make it last."
    Ruby caught her breath. When War's cock began to bend and soften, she took it in her mouth again. Ruby sucked and sucked and…sucked. Until she was deeply bored, with a headache from bobbing her head up and down for so long. He stopped her two more times before finally letting her swallow two thick gouts of semen.
    "Empty cunt," murmured War, sagging against the back of his armchair. "I'll fall asleep right in this chair if I don't get to bed right now."
    "I'll find someone who can help you home," said Ruby, fastening his leather breeches and straightening his tunic. "Just wait here."
    "Thank you," said War. "You're a damn fine cocksucker."  
    Ruby fetched a footman to help War to his feet and see him home. As he left, another minister beckoned to Ruby.
    The new minister sat with the Steward, their armchairs angled for ease of conversation. He was slim and bald, with bony, dextrous hands. "The Steward tells me you have a hot cunt," he said.
    "The Steward has a kind and generous spirit," said Ruby, blushing as she met the Steward's eyes.  
    "Indeed," the bald minister agreed. "And he deserves to be rewarded. He has spent months in the Pavilion, watching one man after another take a turn at women he never touches. Let him taste what he has denied himself."
      "You are so thoughtful," Ruby observed. "Are you his friend?"  
    "I am the Treasurer," said the bald minister. "I count out the coins that the Steward orders spent."  
    "I see," said Ruby. The Treasurer was not the Steward's friend, and he saw no profit in lying about it.  
    Ruby clasped the Steward's hand between both of her own. "My body is yours to enjoy or command," she said to him, utterly sincere. "It would be my great honor to perform any service you may ask of me."  
    "Sweet girl," said the Steward, leaning close and kissing her forehead. "Thank you, but I cannot."  
    Ruby glided to the Treasurer's side. She lay her head in his lap and caressed his thigh. "Tell me what you wish for him," said Ruby, "and I will demonstrate on you."
    The Treasurer caressed her hair, but he didn't reply.
    "You may as well," said the Steward. "You might not have another

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