The Thing: from the Depths of Hell
worthwhile, and he might have been caused by some form of accident
by the alien when it had copied him. Yet when they did more tests
on him, on him being older, they discovered that he was far older
than they had originally estimated, and Kruger now thought that he
was him from the future, and that somehow he had been thrown back
in time, and he thought that at some point in the future something
would happen that would throw him back in time, and that he would
have to go through it all over again, and he started to realize
that Don could be keeping more secrets than he had thought, and
that he had not just lost his memory, and was avoiding doing things
because he was avoiding altering history, and his own history, and
creating fatal problems.

Chapter 31
    The Opening
    Many scientists wanted more investigations to
be done and the president and military decided in the end to allow
the energy bubble around the explosion zone to be examined more
closely, and them to remove the energy shield, by slowly opening
small holes in it to allow air in, and to fill the vacuum in, and
to remove the entire shield from around the zone.
    The idea was done slowly, and the
ship ’ s air
supplies at the region were increased to compensate, and they soon
filled the entire region in the energy bubble with air, and removed
the entire shield from there, and the media showed the immense hole
in the spacecraft, and how the scientists were investigating
    Kruger gasped a few times when they opened
it, wondering what the consequences would be, and saw that they had
handled everything, and that nothing had happened.
    He realized that it was better that they did
it now, as he would not like the alien if it were still there to
get to the Earth, and he would rather they handled the problem
there, and correctly.
    Near the laboratory of paranormal scientists
Kruger got another surprise when he met other scientists there,
from different regions of the ship, who were arriving there to do
work, and he realized from what they told him that they thought
there could be a problem, and that they thought there was a chance
of the alien still being there, and though the scientists wished
that they should not have taken the energy screen down that it was
better for them to handle the problem there and then.
    At the
laboratory he realized that they had clearly predicted that they
would take the energy shield down for a long time, and had been at
work on hundreds of elaborate contraptions that they had invented
for their purposes, and that they had clearly been working like
crazy to build for a long time, with the majority of the large
laboratory covered in tools and equipment, and their contraption of
hundreds of parts being fitted together at the center, and parts
being tested there, with immense power supply cables coming in
through areas of the floor to give them as much power as
    Not only that
after some time he started to realize that far more was behind it
than he had thought, and that him taking a break away from the
outer spacecraft, and relaxing in his quarters, with Marsha, had
left him out of touch with what was happening.
    Yet he had
checked all media updates, and nobody had contacted him about
    After some
time he managed to get to talk to Bryan, when he managed to pull
himself away from his work for something to eat.
    “ Why was
I not informed of anything?” he asked, worriedly.
    “ Good
one! But they did not need you! Or for the moment, anyway
    “ What’s
happening then?”
    “ As you
know the energy shield was taken down?”
    “ Right!
It was!”
    “ Well
that thing was still there! And it managed to hide
    Even though he
had suspected it was he felt like fainting or something, and felt
deeply annoyed, as he knew what was going happen, and he was
trapped, and he had to go through the whole situation again, and
very well could be killed this time around!
    “ Great!
They could have done a

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