The Thing: from the Depths of Hell
heard about
the attack on the control center, and he knew that they had not
been able to get the energy shield up in time.
    He had never
realized how determined Mitchel and Bryan were, and could become,
until now, and he watched them start activating their equipment,
even though it had not been tested.
    All the
scientists stood back as it burst into life, using massive amounts
of energy, through the attached cables, with the shear energy
making the very ship about them vibrate, and lurch.
    It was then
that something strange had happened, and Kruger wished he had
forced Mitchel into giving more information on what they were
    White translucent lights appeared magically
around them, floating inertly in mid-air, in front of their eyes,
like stars in space, and Mitchel continued activating controls, and
energy discharges fired out at regions of them, and they
simultaneously increased their light to bright whiteness, and the
power being used could be felt in vibrations and whirling
    A vociferous blast of gleams of light
exploded out, and the lights rotated, with fuzzy multidimensional
forms rotating behind them, clearly from time shifts, and some
formed clustered layers.
    At times it felt like they were in a
bubble of pure energy – buzzing and vibrating wildly and dangerously
about them .
    Kruger knew
that they were only experimenting with something, but was at a loss
to what it was.
    They had clearly just created a miniature
version of an area of space, and they stopped its progression at a
calculated point, and carried out a series of basic experiments,
and they decreased its size and form.
    It was like an altered projection of reality
magically spinning around them, in patterns of light, like a light
    “ We were not able to carry out our
original plan, ” Mitchel announced to all the scientists, who stood
    “ Basically speaking! We were going to
detect the alien and throw it out the universe, where it would not
bother us again. ”
    Kruger gasped, and wondered what he meant
outside the universe!
    “ We have
to do something before the alien, which has just entered the
control center, deactivates the spacecraft’s energy shield, as it
will not only destroy everyone here, it will be able to find our
worlds and destroy them. It is crazy enough already!
    “ The
outer entity, in the surrounding void, is too powerful. It could
destroy whole galaxies.”
    “ So what
is your answer to that then?” Kruger asked.
    “ We only
have the one answer, and the first part of it is that we leave the
started activating controls, and the other scientist joined in,
until they had completed all their procedures, and Kruger felt something leaving him, and the essence of the
universe vanishing away, and realized the earlier stuff was just
rehearsals for the real stuff, and that they were now leaving the
    There were sudden explosions of movement, of
everything around them, as space and time altered, and the universe
shrank away, and Kruger felt like losing consciousness.
    He had feelings of being alone, and he
realized that his mind was not able to function in different
    Everything about him turned transparent, and
he saw the darkness outside. The voyager about him was
disappearing, and turning into an energy state, and he watched his
body fade into nothingness.
    They were going beyond reality to what? It
was as though he were dreaming in an altered state of
    Kruger sensed telepathic thoughts of the
alien, and that it could not handle not existing in the universe,
and he heard its last gasps before it died, and he wondered if they
would die too, or if they were going to enter he universe
    He realized then that they had invented
something to keep them and the voyager existing.
    However, Kruger could not realize what would
happen if they could not enter the universe again, as there clearly
was nothing outside it.
    He sensed that there was power there though,

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