The Thing: from the Depths of Hell
lot of things! They had it as a prisoner,
and trapped in there. They could even have created a gap leading
out of the spacecraft from it with an energy shield tunnel, to stop
it escaping, and taken it out through the outer energy shield, and
if it refused to leave shrink the energy bubble until it either
left through it or decrease the energy bubble to a size that it
could be removed through the tunnel, and thrown out into that world
    “ Good
one! But they thought it never existed there, and would not have
gone to that length for nothing ...”
    The next thing
that happened shocked Kruger further, and further than ever before,
as his communicator announced a message to him, and he answered the
message, from someone at the military control center, who told him
that Marsha Pendleton had been killed by the alien.

Chapter 32
    The Monster
    Kruger was
staggered, and was even more shocked when he met Don, and found out
that he was more staggered than him, as it was the first time that
he had seen him properly react to anything. Even when he had
attacked the alien with the weapon in the bar he had reacted
little, and he sensed that he had known that the weapon would not
kill it, or do anything other than make it angry, and perhaps
attack them or something.
    The alien was
now killing people in a rampage through the spacecraft. It had
developed a great deal since it had been blown up, and trapped in
the energy bubble, and had developed a method of leaping from
location to location, avoiding any traps or repeats of what
    Its leaps were
instantaneous, and it never appeared at the same location twice,
and they had problems avoiding it – other than the fact that it was
possessed with doing as much damage to them and their property as
it could. It had waged war on them, and it was ready to fight for
its survival.
    When Kruger
returned to the laboratory, Mitchel and Bryan were working and
making all the scientists work like crazy to finish their project,
which they all called the STP1, and they only stopped to greet him
as he entered.
    What they were
building was beyond his imagination, and the majority of the
scientists there, and he knew that they could not get anything out
them, but worked on fascinated with the technology, especially as
most had not even properly encountered new technology, which was
virtually a thing of the past.
    The thing had
lost shape and did not resemble anything, and would not be noticed
by anyone.
    The alien
could appear there at any time, kill them all, and not even bother
with it!
    When Mitchel
finally stopped for a drink, Kruger marched over, and asked him,
“How are we going to catch that thing now? It leaps about the ship
too randomly, and has not actually been found to arrive at the same
location twice. They are unable to predict its moments!”
    Kruger spotted
a brief glimpse of disappointment, but saw that he had known it,
and had thought of the answer.
    “ We have
compensated for all that, and you forget we came up with a way to
detect it in other dimensions!”
    He took Kruger
over to the equipment that they had used to detect it, and showed
him its location in the ship.
    “ How
come this is not at the control center?” he moaned.
    “ Or why
don’t we have another model created for them? Well, for one thing
it moves too fast, and it moves within seconds of attacking each
area, and the fact that it would now take too long for us or them
to create another, and they would have a hard time building more as
there are not enough of some of the parts aboard!”
    “ So what
    “ We have
a better idea?” he replied, finishing his drink, and pointing at
what they were building, and he quickly left him and returned to
building it!

Chapter 33
    The Space/Time
    For a moment
Kruger heart leaped as though something strange had happened, as
though something had vanished.
    The scientists
had not even finished building the STP1 when they had

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