The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield

Book: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Redfield
level, beneath
     their features, the souls all resembled Maya.
    I glanced questioningly at Wil.
    “This is Maya’s
soul group”
he said.
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “It’s a group of souls with whom she resonates closely,” he said with excitement. “This makes perfect sense. One of the journeys
     I took, before I found you, was to another group who, in a way, looked like
. I think it was
soul group.”
    Before I could say anything, there was movement in the soul group in front of us. Again, an image of Maya was emerging. Still
     surrounded by her group in the green environment, she seemed to be standing quietly in front of an intense white light, similar
     to the one we had seen at Williams’ Life Review. She was aware that something very profound was happening. Her ability to
     move around in the Afterlife had diminished, and her attention was shifting toward Earth again. She could see her prospective
     mother, newly married, sitting on a porch, wondering if her health would hold up well enough to have a child.
    Maya was beginning to realize the great progress that could be achieved if she were to be born to this mother. The woman had
     deep fears about her own health arid so would generate an awareness of health issues very quickly in the mind of a child.
     It would be the perfect place to develop an interest in medicine and healing, and it wouldn’t be a knowledge contemplated
     on merely intellectual terms, where the ego comes up with some fancy theory and never tests it against the challenges of real
     life, not if she was’ growing up with the psychology of this woman. Maya knew that she herself had the tendency to be unrealistic
     and fanciful, and she had already paid dearly for such brashness. Thatwouldn’t happen again, not with the unconscious memory of what had occurred in the nineteenth century reminding her to be
     very cautious. No, she would go slow, be more isolated, and the environment established by this woman would be perfect.
    Wil caught my eye. “We’re seeing what occurred when she began to contemplate her current life,” he said.
    Maya now envisioned how her relationship with her mother could unfold. She would grow up exposed to her mother’s negativity,
     her fears, her tendency to blame the doctors, which would inspire her interest in the mind/body connection and the patient’s
     responsibility in healing, and she would bring this information back to her mother, who could then become involved in her
     own recovery. Her mother would become her first patient, and then a key supporter, a prime example of the benefits of the
     new medicine.
    Maya’s focus moved to the prospective father, sitting next to the woman on the swing. Occasionally the woman would ask a question
     and he would utter a one-line answer. Mainly he wanted just to sit and contemplate, not to talk. His mind was virtually exploding
     with research possibilities and exotic biological questions he knew had never been posed before—most particularly the relationship
     between inspiration and the immune system. Maya saw the advantages of this aloofness. With him, she would be able to work
     through her own tendency to delude herself; she would have to think for herself and become realistic, right from the beginning.
     Eventually she and her father would be able to communicate on a scientific basis, and he would open up and provide her with
     a rich technical background with which to ground her new methods.
    She saw clearly that her birth to these parents could be equally advantageous for them. At the same time her parentswere stimulating an early interest in healing, she would be stretching them in a destined direction as well: the mother toward
     an acceptance of her personal role in avoiding illness, the father toward overcoming his tendency to hide from others and
     to live only in his head.
    As we watched, her vision proceeded past her anticipated birth and into what might happen in childhood. She saw

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