The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 1)

The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 1) by J A Whiting Page A

Book: The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 1) by J A Whiting Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Whiting
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    “Oh,” Jack Ford said. “My mistake. It is today. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”
    “Oh, no. I just arrived a second ago.” Angie didn’t want him to think she’d been in the waiting room long enough for her to hear his phone discussion.
    “Well, please, come in.” Ford gestured to his office.
    She put the magazine down and stood straight. Turning to pick up her purse, she took a deep breath to steady herself. Angie faced Attorney Ford determined not to show any signs of unease.
    She plastered a fake smile on her face and said, “Yes. Thank you. I’m looking forward to working with you,” she lied. She entered his office first and sat in one of the chairs placed in front of his desk. As Ford walked around to take his seat, Angie thought of the saying, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
    “So,” Ford said. “You’d like to have a will drawn up.” He took some papers from a leather folder.
    “Yes. I think it’s necessary. Even though I’m young, well, one never knows.” Angie gave Ford a pointed look. “Now that I have assets, I want to make sure that they’re protected.” Why the heck did you break into the Victorian? “I have three sisters and if anything should happen to me, I want them taken care of.”
    “Of course.” Ford pulled a silver pen from his draw.
    Angie said, “One can never be too careful, can one?” I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m watching you, Ford.
    “A will is really a simple legal matter. I’ll go over some questions with you and then I’ll draw it up and have you return next week to sign it. I’ll keep it here in the safe. Just let your loved ones know that I prepared it. Should they ever need it, they’ll know to contact me.”
    “I’d like two originals prepared,” Angie told him. “You may keep one here on file. I’ll keep the other one.” Her voice showed no sign of weakness.
    Something passed fleetingly over Ford’s face and he hesitated for a beat. Then he said, “Of course. Whatever, you wish.”
    When Angie finished with Ford, she couldn’t race home fast enough to tell Jenna what she overheard him saying on the phone.
    They sat at the dining room table. Jenna’s face was flushed. “Him? Ford? The attorney? He was in here? How dare he?” She stood up and started pacing. “Why? What does he want?”
    “Well, I can’t be sure he was the one who broke in, but he said on the phone that he didn’t have time to find it. Whatever ‘it’ is. So if he was the one who was in here, then it must still be in the house.”
    “He’ll be back then,” Jenna said. “Should we tell the police what you heard him say?”
    “I don’t know.” Angie crossed her arms and leaned on the tabletop. “What I heard doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t implicate Ford. He could just brush off what I heard. He could say he was talking about something else. There’s no evidence. I just overheard a conversation.”
    “Ugh.” Jenna groaned. “I guess you’re right. There really isn’t anything to take to the police. But we better be careful of him.”

Chapter 14
    After closing the bake shop for the day, Angie walked the two miles to Betty Hayes’ real estate office. It was a hectic morning without Lisa Barrows to help, but Jenna rose to the occasion and they fell into a rhythm of baking and serving the customers.
    Angie and Jenna were both worn out when they locked the shop’s door for the day. Jenna headed back to the Victorian to take a shower and a nap and then she would begin working on new designs and assembling jewelry for her internet orders. Angie was going to stop at the grocery store after her meeting with Betty Hayes, and would make dinner later in the day so that Jenna could continue working. Angie planned to help Jenna with jewelry assembly in the evening. They had long days ahead of them, but they were determined to get through the next two weeks successfully.
    Betty’s office was a

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