War's Passion (Sons of War)

War's Passion (Sons of War) by Lia Davis

Book: War's Passion (Sons of War) by Lia Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lia Davis
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around and met the concerned stare of one of the women Garrick was searching for. The same one Ash saw Markus carry from the lighthouse the day before.
    “ Hello, I’m Gwen.” She held out her hand. When Ash didn’t take it, the other woman frowned. “Are you okay?”
    Ash straightened and smoothed her top. “I’m fine.” Turning, she started to walk off when Gwen spoke again.
    “I came to check on you , but since you’re awake, would you like to go to the market with me?”
    Turning back around, Ash studied her for a moment. “Are you going alone?”
    Gwen shook her head. “Seth is coming.”
    Ash almost said no, but figured she could use the time to see what Gwen knew about the dragons. Also, Ash was curious about the female’s powers. Garrick had always said she was powerful, or would be once she was unleashed, yet, he never said exactly what they were.
    “Sure. I’ll come with you.”
    Gwen smiled. “Great. Meet us in the foyer in five minutes?”
    T he petite blond demi-goddess whirled around and rushed down the hall, then disappeared inside a room.
    Only once she was alone did Ash allow a satisfied smile spread across her face. Artemis was right. This was more exciting than hanging out with Garrick and waiting for the idiot to make a move.
    Besides, Ash knew which of the brothers she was going to seduce.
    “How did you come into you powers?” Gwen asked as she picked up a tomato from the vegetable stand. Ash stilled for a brief moment before replying.
    “I’m not sure really. I was kidnapped several years ago by a crazy dragon shifter that I learned later was one of the Sons of War.”
    It was Gwen’s turn to still her motions. Turning to the other woman, Gwen studied her. “You mean Garrick?”
    Nodding, Ash lowered her voice as if trying to keep Seth, who leaned against the front counter a few feet away flirting with the cashier, from hearing their conversation. “He gave me an injection of something that unlocked my powers.”
    “How did you get away?” Gwen tried to keep the suspicion out of her voice. There was something in the way Ash spoke, or maybe it was her tone, that rang Gwen’s internal warning bells. The other woman wasn’t being a hundred percent honest.
    Ash picked up a few mangos and added them to the basket. “I killed my guards and the three scouts that were sent after me.”
    Gwen jerked her gaze over to meet Ash’s. “Wow. You say that like it was nothing.”
    “The descendants he has under him aren’t all there. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just like they are under some kind of trance or their humanity has been wiped from them.”
    Again Gwen picked up on a half-truth. Her palms itched to reach out to touch Ash and “persuade” her to tell her everything. No, Gwen had promised to never use her gift for negative or selfish purposes. “What about you? You said guards. Did he keep you locked up?”
    Glancing over at Seth, who had moved away from the counter and now sat at a table a few feet away at a small café, Ash whispered, “Garrick kept me on a short leash for his own pleasures.”
    Gwen was about to ask another question, but Ash touched her arm and looked into her eyes. At first, fear that Ash had a similar gift flooded her senses, but Gwen didn’t feel any magic or excess power coming from the other woman. Relaxing, Gwen held Ash’s stare as she whispered, “You must not speak of my captivity to the dragons. I don’t want them to think I’m working with Garrick.”
    Narrowing her eyes, Gwen asked with a little too much protectiveness for the five men who’d saved her and Elle’s life, “Why did you come to their home?”
    “I was hoping they’d help me hide for a while, until I can contact my mother.”
    There. Gwen had the little tidbit she needed to dig deeper, because she knew Artemis was Ash’s mother. Thea had told them that when Ash first arrived at the house.
    Before she had a chance to ask her next

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