The Michael Jackson Tapes

The Michael Jackson Tapes by Shmuley Boteach

Book: The Michael Jackson Tapes by Shmuley Boteach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shmuley Boteach
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they so badly want them back together.
    MJ: Absolutely, or else they’d be funky and old now and you wouldn’t care.
    SB: So is that an argument, Michael, for you to say one day, “That’s it,” and quit?
    MJ: Yeah, I would like some kind of way to disappear where people don’t see me anymore at some point, and just do my things for
children but not be visual. To disappear is very important. We are people of change. We need change in our lives. That’s why we have winter, spring, summer, fall.
    Here, I started to get worried about what Michael meant by “disappear.” It’s one thing to leave show business. It’s another to harbor a death wish. So I said. . .
    SB: Okay, but you want a long life and a healthy life. You don’t want to disappear like, God forbid, the way some of these stars have disappeared, the way Marilyn Monroe has. You don’t want to die young?
    MJ: Um, you’re asking me an interesting question. You sure you want my answer?
    SB: I do.
    MJ: Okay, I’ll give you my honest answer. Okay, um. My greatest dream that I have left—I have accomplished my dreams with music and all that and I love music and entertainment—is this children’s initiative, is this thing that we are doing. But, um, ’cause I don’t care about [anything else], I really don’t, I don’t care about [career], I honestly don’t Shmuley. What keeps me going is children, or else I would, I would seriously. . . I’ve told you this before, I swear to God I mean every word. I would, I would just throw in the towel if it wasn’t for children or babies. And that’s my real, my honest [answer]. . . and I’ve said it before, if it weren’t for children, I would choose death. I mean it with all my heart.
    And his voice had the ring of truth. His comments were alarming in the extreme. Did Michael just tell me he would choose death? I couldn’t believe it. So I asked him to clarify.
    SB: Choose death the way Marilyn Monroe chose death?
    MJ: Some kind of way. I would find a way to go away off the planet ’cause I wouldn’t care about living anymore. I’m living for these babies and children.
    SB: You see them as really a part, a spark of God here on earth?

    MJ: I swear they are.
    SB: So for you it’s the most spiritual thing in the world?
    MJ: There is nothing more pure and spiritual to me than children and I cannot live without them. If you told me right now, “Michael, you can never see another child,” I would kill myself. I swear to you I would because I have nothing else to live for. That’s it. Honestly.
    I was startled and shaken. I had to bring him back to his senses, so I said. . .
    SB: So do you want to have a long life?
    MJ: Let me take back that word swear, ’cause I don’t swear to God. I take that back. I don’t want to use that word. Say this question again?
    SB: You said you want to disappear. Do you think it’s important to disappear?
    MJ: I don’t want a long [life]. . . I don’t like, I don’t, I don’t. I think growing old is the ugliest, the most, the ugliest thing. When the body breaks down and you start to wrinkle, I think it’s so bad. I don’t, that’s something I don’t understand, Shmuley. And I never want to look in the mirror and see that. I don’t understand it. I really don’t. And people say that growing old is beautiful and it’s this and that. I disagree. I totally do.
    SB: So you would die before that happens?
    MJ: Um. . . I don’t want to grow old. I would like to get. . .
    I know that I shouldn’t have been cutting Michael off in the midst of such a seminal subject, but his hinting at suicide was extremely troubling, and I felt the immediate need to inspire him to choose life. So I said. . .
    SB: What if you could stay young in spirit Michael?
    MJ: Yeah, that’s important to me.
    SB: You may have wrinkles, but

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