The Michael Jackson Tapes

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Book: The Michael Jackson Tapes by Shmuley Boteach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shmuley Boteach
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love to come back as, as, as a child that never grows old, like Peter Pan. I wish, I wish I could believe that that’s true, that I
keep coming back. I hope that’s true, I would like to believe that, Shmuley.
    SB: In reincarnation? You keep on being reincarnated as a baby? MJ: Yeah, even though our, my religion [the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church], talks against it, that there’s no such thing as [reincarnation]. . . When you die, the soul dies and it’s like this couch, the dead, you know? But there’s the promise of the resurrection and all that.
    SB: But for the Hindus, they believe you come back.
    MJ: I’d like to believe that, and I like what the Egyptians and the Africans do, how they bury [their dead]. . . I’d like to see, we would all like to see, what the other side looks like. Don’t we?
    SB: We wish we knew what lies after life, what heaven is like.
    MJ: Yes, because there are so many concepts.
    SB: Do you think there are children playing in Heaven?
    MJ: Oh, God, I pray that that is what it is like.
    SB: Are there adults playing there, too?
    MJ: I would think so and I would think that they are very childlike. Like Adam and Eve, it is just a happy garden, a perfect peaceful place. I pray that it is like that.
    SB: Are you afraid of death?
    MJ: Yes.
    SB: We all are.
    MJ: I always said I want to be buried right where there are children. I want them next to me. I would feel safer that way. I want them next to me. I need their spirit protecting me. I always see that in my mind and I see myself and I hate to see it. I see myself and I see children lying there to protect me.
    In light of Michael’s subsequent death just a few years after this conversation, these are obviously disturbing and haunting remarks. He said clearly that if he could no longer work with, or on behalf of, children, he would find some way to take himself off the planet. After Michael’s arrest on the second allegations of child molestation on November 20, 2003, it was clear that he could never again work with children. So did Michael commit suicide? No. I firmly believe he did not. He loved his
own kids too much to ever contemplate an active form of death that would orphan them. Rather, I believe that in the wake of the 2003 allegations, although he was later vindicated and found innocent, Michael lost the will to live. The vast increase in his drug intake shows that he lived much of his remaining years in a drug-induced stupor. There was no way he was unaware that consuming this huge amount of drugs could kill him. Michael often told me that he knew all about prescription drug medication, and he took enough to become an expert. So Michael did lose the will to live, and he slowly shriveled as a human being. He agreed to do his final concerts not because he had any intrinsic interest in his music or career but because he needed the money. The only question that still remains and which I cannot answer is why Michael’s love of, and dedication to, his own kids was not enough to in-still within him a continued passion for life. But alive or dead, it did not much matter to Michael, just as long as he could numb the pain with the poison that eventually killed him.
    When Michael died I also faced a profound moral dilemma as to what to do with this conversation in which he says he wants to be buried near children. In the end, after consulting with people whom I respect, I decided that revealing it in the immediate aftermath of his death would not influence the family decision as to where he would be buried and would just subject Michael to public ridicule. I also do not believe that he should be buried next to children, whatever his wishes. Still, I was saddened to see plans being discussed to bury Michael at Neverland. The ranch was isolating and damaging to Michael enough while he was alive. Why condemn him to that eternal loneliness and oblivion just to increase Neverland’s commercial appeal?


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