The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1)

The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding

Book: The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. A. Fielding
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tell you what’s going on, Little Miss
Piggy, ” said a voice from behind her.
materialised in front of her, a musty smell announcing her arrival. “I’ll tell
you – but, not yet. And, I’m not going to hurt you – yet!” Zoe freaked out, got
to her feet and started to run – glancing behind her all the time. With her
heart pounding, and sweat dripping from her forehead, she ran faster and faster
trying to escape from the old hag. She was petrified.
she opened her eyes, she was back in bed, and Vana was snoring lightly beside
her. “Shit. If that was a dream, why can I still hear voices?”
Miss Piggy echoed around the landing outside. Zoe, in a state of curiosity, got out of bed
and picked up her iPhone. “Why are you doing this alone?” she muttered.
voice had stopped, but Zoe could now hear someone pacing around the lounge
downstairs. She turned on the iPhone’s flashlight, and slowly made her way down
the dark stairs. “OK! Come on Zoe, you can do this,” she said. “I’ve gotta
check this out; I’m not going mad.”
footsteps in the lounge stopped, but then Zoe heard a noise which she could not
identify. As she walked into the lounge, and turned on the light, she saw that
one of the photo frames on the window ledge had been turned face-down. She
tiptoed over, holding her breath, and picked up the picture. It was of Aunt
Sally. “What is going on?” she whispered, as she turned back towards the door.
me, Little Miss Piggy? ” Hagatha stood in front of her. “Why are you
doing this to me?” screamed Zoe.
who is your little friend upstairs?”
this, the ghostly figure disappeared. Zoe ran out of the room and up the stairs
to the bedroom. The girl didn’t know what she was going to find. The first
thing she noticed was that the bedroom door, which she had left open, was now
closed. She gently pushed it open. She put on the light. Vana was lying on top
of a blood-soaked bed. Her eyes had been gouged out, and there were red rope
marks around her slender, white neck. Zoe screamed; tears coursed down her
face. Her throat tightened up and she felt faint. What had happened to her
woke up, still crying and gasping for breath. It had all been a bad dream, and
Vana was lying next to her, still fast asleep. Zoe got up out of bed and made
her way up the stairs to the bathroom. The young woman was sweating from head
to toe. She bent over the toilet and made herself sick. Then, as the room
started to spin, her legs went from beneath her. She collapsed onto the floor,
minutes later, she struggled to her feet and looked at herself in the bathroom
mirror. She hated what she saw; hair mangled and stuck to her head, face grey,
eyes blood-shot and black-ringed – she looked ill. She started to splash water
over her face whilst the washbasin filled up.
held her breath and plunged her face into the water before coming back up for
air. That felt better. She did it again, a few times, and started to feel more
like her normal self. “It can’t happen again – it mustn’t. Think! What did Babs
tell me?” she reflected. “That’s it. Listen for the Blackbird.” She ducked her
face into the water again but, to her horror, she felt a strong hand on the
back of her head holding it down. Bubbles of air were forced out of her mouth
and nose as Zoe fought against her assailant. Adrenaline flowed through her
veins as she battled for her life. Her arms flailed behind her while she tried
to release the grip of her attacker – but this was an invisible enemy. Her legs
buckled beneath her, and she started to pass out. The end was nigh; it was
death on the Tarot cards.
What are you doing?” Vana’s voice was coming to her through a black mist. She
pulled her friend to her. Zoe gulped for air. “It’s OK. You’re alright now;
calm down Zoe, I’ve got you. Here, let me dry you off.” The girls sat down on
the floor, Zoe still

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