The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1)

The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding Page A

Book: The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. A. Fielding
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sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. “She was here. She was
here. I saw her. I saw her.”
no one here but us.”
telling you, she was in here – she tried to kill me!”
alright – just take deep breaths. You’re safe now.”
was in my dream. It felt so vivid this time,” whispered Zoe. Vana helped her
friend to stand. “That’s all it was, hun, a bad dream. It may have felt real,
but it was just a dream.”
girls went cautiously back to the bedroom, and made sure the door was tightly
closed behind them. “I’ve got to tell you, though, that I had a really strange
dream too,” said Vana as she passed Zoe her dry nightclothes. “I was running
through a wood and I fell over. The next thing I knew was a smelly, scruffy old
man was doggy-shafting me, but then I saw his body hanging from a tree!”
really weird.”
    “Oh nothing. At least you had sex in your
dream – I almost died!” said Zoe. The girls hugged.
made you come to the bathroom when you did?”
don’t know really, other than I woke up – desperate for a piss – but the urge
certainly went off me when I saw you with your head in the sink! Now, come on,”
said Vana. “Let’s try to get some sleep.”
girls snuggled down under the duvet, both totally exhausted by their
nightmares. At least the house was peaceful; the paranormal activities had
stopped – for now.

18: Morning all
last night’s activities the girls slept well, and it was 10.30 am before they surfaced.
Zoe quickly showered (feeling slightly uneasy as she entered the bathroom) and
dressed. “You asleep?” she said to Vana, who was still snuggled under the
duvet. “No, just give me a sec,” she said, drowsily. “How come you’re up and
just feel energetic. I’ve bags of oomph!”
Ms Energetic,” said Vana as she got out of bed. “Shower,
breakfast and run.”
put the coffee on,” smiled Zoe.
went downstairs into the kitchen and put the kettle on. She then wandered into
lounge to open the curtains and found, to her surprise, that Aunt Sally’s photo
frame was face down again on the window ledge. “What the fuck! I’m dead sure I
lifted this up last night?” she said, as she righted the frame once more. “It
must be dodgy.” She went back into the kitchen and got the dishes out for
the meantime, Vana entered the bathroom and turned on the hot shower. As she
stripped off to get into the shower she saw a message in the steam on the
mirror. I’m watching you! Vana frowned. “Very funny,
Zoe. That’s a good one,” she said as she got into the cubicle.
meanwhile, was downstairs browsing Facebook on her phone whilst looking at the
television. Morning PEEPS! she wrote as her
can we turn over?” Vana asked, as she walked into the kitchen.
that woman so gets into my earwax! I can’t stand her. She always seems so in
your face .” Zoe duly changed the channel, whilst Vana poured herself a
coffee and helped herself to a bowl of cereal.
girls laced-up their trainers, plugged in their earphones and set off on their
morning run through Chelsea. They ran all the way to Onslow Gardens before they
needed a sugar stop. “Energy break?” asked Zoe, as they slowed down to walking
pace. “Yeah, look for a newsagent,” replied Vana, glancing round the busy
street. Duly refreshed, the girls set off again across Old Church Street.
you didn’t by any chance happen to move any picture frames around in the lounge
yesterday, did you?”
No, but I did have a feeling there was someone downstairs when we were in bed,
but, with that weird dream I had, I couldn’t tell if I was hearing things.”
sure the frame was upright last night but this morning it was face down. Weird, huh?”
thing we can’t explain,” replied

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