Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore)
interruption from the new passel of friends Gavin had. That was where they ended up. Beach felt the rough wood of the dock under his hands and knees, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was Tai’s cock filling Beach’s ass, a perfect, burning stretch and then thrusts to electrify him from inside out. Tai’s voice, rougher than the weathered wood, “Good. So fucking good for me. Gonna make you come so hard.”
    The leather gauntlet on his wrist got in the way as Tai gave Beach a reach around, but he was so close he didn’t care.
    “Give it to me. That’s mine too.” Tai poured the words into Beach’s ear like smoke.
    And god-fucking-dammit, Beach was awake, his own leather cuff chafing his hard cock as his hips pumped against the mattress.
    Don’t jerk off.
    It couldn’t count if Beach was asleep, right? People even got away with murder if they were found to be asleep when they did it. He shut his eyes and tried to fall back into that dream, but his body had other plans.
    So close. So fucking close.
    He wasn’t exactly jerking off, either. His hand wasn’t moving. It was his hips making the friction, the rub against his open palm and the lump of leather. The edge caught him just right, hips working faster and faster and Oh shit, I’ll buy him another pair of cuffs was the last thing that went through Beach’s head as the orgasm burst out of his balls. He shook through it. Hard, sharp and over too damned fast. He yanked his hand away and rolled off to the side, dick more sensitive than usual. Damn, he’d needed that, but it would have been so much better if that bossy son of a bitch had actually been up his ass.
    It was only ten steps to the bathroom, but the first one he tried with weight on his bad leg almost sent him to the floor. He hop-staggered the rest of the way in, wiped off his junk with a towel and turned on the water for a shower.
    When his text alert sounded, he jumped, though there was no one to actually see his guilty expression but the guy in the mirror. What the hell? Beach looked down at the monitor as if it had given him away. Assuming the monitor picked up the heat or his pulse, the new Officer DiPrazi or whatever wouldn’t have called Tai to tell him.
    He hopped back to scoop up his phone, then blinked and squinted at the time. Not that Beach was an early riser, but that was usually because he didn’t get to bed before the morning. He’d been out for almost twelve hours.
    Got any plans today?
    Beach loved the way he could hear Tai’s voice in his texts.
    No —Beach hesitated for a moment— Sir.
    Then get your ass over here.
    I haven’t showered.
    Thought a guy who was desperate to get off would have other things on his mind, but take your time.
    Beach gave a rueful look at his spent cock. I’ll be right there.
    Tai hadn’t posed it as a question, so it wasn’t exactly a lie. And what if he found out? Would it mean some kind of punishment? Beach’s dick ached as a little spurt of blood tried to revive it.
    Two hours at the dog park had Jez’s tongue lolling and her steps dragging. That made one of them. The burst of energy that had Tai up and at the gym by five thirty was still riding him. All he had to do was picture David on his knees, hear the surrender in his gasps, feel him give up his throat, and adrenaline exploded inside like fireworks.
    Tai knew Nic would tell him to keep David waiting, that the Dom had to be the one with the self-control to set the early boundaries, but knowing didn’t stop the need. The itch to find out how far this was going to go, if David had had his curiosity satisfied or wanted more.
    Given how fast David showed up, Tai was going to go with wanting more.
    David leaned heavily on his cane as Tai shut the door behind him. “I’m afraid I’m not— I don’t know the protocol.” David picked at his silky button-down shirt, made an abortive effort to shove that hand in the pocket of his navy shorts and then tucked his cuffed wrist behind his

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