The Prince: Jonathan
about how David went into the valley of death and slew the giant! Honor him, Father. Let the nations hear how one Hebrew shepherd boy is better than an army of Philistines!”
    Saul spoke without turning his head. “What do you think, Abner?”
    Abner was always near the king, guarding him.
    “The men will be pleased, my lord.”
    Saul looked at Jonathan. “You don’t merely admire his courage, do you? You like him.”
    “As should you, Father. The Lord used David to give you the battle. Keep him at your side, and we will have victory after victory.”
    Saul lowered his eyes and stiffened. His head came up. “Where is your sword?”
    “I gave it to David.”
    “You did what ?”
    “I gave him my tunic also, and my bow and belt as well.”
    “What else did you give this upstart? Your seal ring?”
    Jonathan face went hot. “Of course not!” He held his hand out to prove it. “I adopted him as my brother. I made him your son.”
    “Without asking me? What did you think you were doing to show him such honor!”
    “Who better to show honor to, Father?” Jonathan went cold at his father’s look. “You are the Lord’s anointed. David fought for the glory of the One you serve.”
    Saul’s eyes flashed. He opened his mouth and clenched his teeth, deciding not to say whatever had come into his mind. Breathing hard, he looked away, staring out over the thousands of tents. “He didn’t fight for me.”
    “David is your servant.”
    “And best to keep him as such.” A muscle tightened in Saul’s jaw. He released his breath slowly. “But perhaps you’re right. He has proved himself useful. Let’s see what else he can do.” He grew annoyed. “Hear how they all celebrate the victory! Do you remember how they called out my name in Jabesh-gilead?”
    “And at Gilgal,” Abner reminded him.
    “May they never forget.” Saul turned and walked away.

    Jonathan looked over his shoulder as he ran. He laughed. “Come on, little brother! You’re faster than that!”
    Straining, David gained a little. Jonathan stretched out, his feet flying across the ground. He leapt over several bushes and reached their goal well before David.
    Gasping for air, David went to his knees. “You fly like an eagle!”
    Panting, Jonathan bent at the waist, dragging in air. He grinned. “You almost beat me.”
    David lay back on the ground, arms spread. “Your legs are longer than mine.”
    “A rabbit can outrun a fox.”
    “If it’s cunning. I’m not.”
    Lungs burning, Jonathan leaned against a boulder. “Excuses. Your legs will grow. Your strength will increase.”
    David laughed. “I’d be faster if my life depended on it.”
    Jonathan walked around, hands on his hips, waiting for his heart to slow and his body to cool. “You were much faster this time. One day you will keep up and maybe pass me by.”
    Sitting up, David dangled his hands between his knees. “You outrun me. You’re an expert with bow and arrow. You can throw a spear twice as far as I can.”
    Someone shouted from a distance. Abner.
    Jonathan gave David a hand up. He looped his hand around David’s neck and rubbed his curly hair with his knuckles. “All in good time, my brother. All in good time.”

    Women ran out to meet the returning warriors. They sang and danced around them, beating on tambourines and strumming lutes. They filled the air with songs of praise.
    “See how they love you!” Jonathan laughed at the look on David’s face as a girl danced by, flashing him a smile. “You’re blushing!”
    “I’ve never seen girls like these!” David watched them whirl around him. “They’re beautiful!”
    “Yes. They are.” Jonathan admired several as he headed for the city gates.
    Men, women, and children cheered as Saul led them into Gibeah. The king’s household swarmed around Saul. Jonathan spotted his mother and grabbed David by the arm. “My father promised one of his daughters to the man who killed Goliath. You must meet my sisters. I

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