The Prince: Jonathan
of Judah and shouted, David turned. Jonathan spread his arms and gave an exuberant cry of victory.
    David bowed low. “My lord prince.”
    Jonathan grabbed the boy’s arm, shaking him slightly. “I knew the Lord was with you!”
    “As He was with you at Micmash, my prince. My brothers talked of nothing else for months!”
    “Come. Walk with me.” David fell into step beside him. “You will be handsomely rewarded for what you did today.”
    “I ask for nothing.”
    “You will have a command of your own.”
    David stopped, his eyes going wide. “But I know nothing of leading men.”
    Jonathan laughed and ruffled David’s curly hair. “I will teach you everything I know.”
    “But I’m only a shepherd.”
    “Not anymore.” Jonathan grinned. “You will write songs that lead us into battle.”
    “But it was the Lord who won the victory. The Lord was my rock. The Lord delivered me from the hand of Goliath!”
    Jonathan faced him. “Yes! And it is such words from your lips that will turn men’s hearts to God.” Jonathan would no longer be a lone voice in the king’s court. “They saw.” Here was a boy who believed as he did. “They will listen to you.”
    David shook his head. “May those who witnessed what happened today know they can trust in the Lord!”
    “I know what you felt when you went out there. I felt it once when I climbed the cliffs at Micmash.” Jonathan looked up. “I would give anything to feel the presence of the Lord again.” Anything and everything!
    “I dreamed of fighting for King Saul, but my brothers just laughed at me.”
    “They won’t laugh anymore.”
    “No, but I’m not sure they would follow me either.”
    “Would they follow a king’s son?”
    “Of course.”
    “Then we will make you one.”
    “What do you mean?”
    Jonathan stripped off his breastplate and tossed it. David caught it against his chest and stumbled back. Jonathan yanked his fine tunic off and thrust it at David. “Put it on.”
    David stammered.
    “Do as I say.” Jonathan removed his sword and scabbard and fixed it around David’s waist. Last, he gathered up his bow and quiver of arrows and gave them to him as well. “We are now brothers.”
    David blinked. “But what can I give you?”
    “Your sling.”
    Fumbling, David finally managed to yank it from his belt. He held it out to Jonathan, flustered. “You do me too much honor, my prince.”
    “Do I?” Of all the people he had met since his father became king of Israel, he had never wanted one to be even his friend. He wanted David to be his brother.
    “You are the crown prince, heir to King Saul’s throne.”
    If only my father had a heart like this boy. What a king he would be!
    Jonathan clasped David’s hand. “From this day forth, you are my brother. My soul is knit to yours in love. I swear before the Lord our God, my hand will never be raised against you.”
    David’s eyes shone with tears. “Nor mine against you!”
    Jonathan turned David toward camp. He slapped his back and gave him a playful shove. “Come. We have plans to make! We must drive God’s enemies from the land!”

    “Promote a boy above others twice his age and skill?” Saul stared at Jonathan, incredulous. “Are you mad?”
    “Why not? Am I not a commander? I’ve already seen to it, Father.”
    “You are my son , the prince of Israel! He is nothing more than a shepherd boy who had a little good luck with sling and stone!”
    Good luck? “God was with him yesterday, Father.” When his father scowled, Jonathan looked at Abner and the officers and advisors. “Is there any man here who would argue that David is our champion? We can’t leave him without distinction.” They were silent. “Say something. Or are you afraid to give sound advice to the king?” Jonathan turned away in disgust. “Can we talk alone, Father? Let’s walk through the camp.”
    The king went outside with him. Men bowed as they walked among the tents. “Every man here speaks

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