The Neptune Project

The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke

Book: The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Polly Holyoke
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
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hide if a boat does appear. Ree and Thom go off foraging and return with two large kelp bass they shot for our lunch. I’m not thrilled about our menu, but I don’t want to hurt Thom’s feelings. So when he offers me a slice of very fresh bass, I take it. His face falls when Lena looks disgusted by his offering and pointedly starts eating a fish bar from her seapack.
    Our new companions have developed a practical system for eating. Any sort of food in the ocean instantly attracts dozens of live hungry fish, and sometimes they can’t tell the difference between dead fish and human fingers. I see four of Kyel’s group eat while the other two watch for scavengers and keep them away.
    Lena nibbles at her fish bar just a few feet away from me. Robry drifts over and joins us as we eat. The raw kelp bass actually tastes so good, I devour it in several bites.
    :Thanks for standing up for me back there,:
Lena says grudgingly.
    :You would have done the same for me.:
I shrug off her thanks while I wonder if that’s true.
    :I can’t believe Dai suggested they just shoot me.:
Lena sends Dai an angry glare, but he’s oblivious. He’s sitting by himself while he eats, a remote look on his face.
    :I’m pretty sure he was making a joke,:
I say, and at that instant, Dai looks over at me, his expression quizzical.
    :I didn’t think it was funny,:
Lena says.
    :Me neither,:
Robry offers.
:But I think he was trying to help you, in his own twisted way.:
    :Twisted is right. I’m not sure I like him or Kyel much,:
Lena says darkly.
    :I’m not sure I like Kyel, either,:
I admit.
:But he is right about one thing. We are safer if we travel together.:
    :Until he points a speargun at you. If he threatens any of us again, I vote we make our own way to Santa Cruz,:
Robry declares, and Lena nods.
    :I totally agree,:
I reply.
    We start off again as soon as we finish eating. The dolphins take turns helping Lena keep up. We travel throughout the afternoon until my legs are burning from kicking constantly. I notice that Bria is starting to look as tired as I feel. Even though I don’t want to tangle with Kyel again, I’m just about to suggest we rest when Ree asks him to stop.
    Kyel frowns, but when he looks back at Bria, he agrees. While everyone gets food from their packs, I swim over to Bria. Ree looks at me suspiciously, but I ignore her and smile at the little girl.
    :Would you like some help from a dolphin?:
I ask. I noticed her face lit up when she met Kona and Mali earlier.
:My friend Ricca is one of our gentlest dolphins, and I know she’d be happy to give you some tows. I’ll ask Mariah to come, too, and you can meet her calf.:
    Bria brightens, but she looks to Tobin for permission. I can tell they are exchanging thoughts on a private send. Then Bria beams at me and says,
:I’d love to meet Ricca and let her pull me, if she doesn’t mind. I can’t believe I get to swim with a dolphin. I’m going to feel just like a mermaid!:
    :You already look like one.:
I smile at her. With her big eyes and delicate features, Bria reminds me of the mermaids in one of my mother’s rare old picture books. I reach out to my dolphin friends, who have fed well on a large column of sardines they found a few hours ago. Mariah is eager to see me and happy to ask Ricca to help Bria.
    This time the entire pod comes along with Mariah and Ricca, curious about the other humans Robry and I have met. Wanting to start off on the right foot with the rest of our companions, even if Kyel and I haven’t, I make a point of introducing everyone to each member of my dolphin family.
    :This is Mariah. She’s the leader of this pod. She was a calf when my mother was a little girl, and the two of them grew up together. This is her youngest calf, Tisi. Mali, Mona, and Ricca are her nieces; and Sokya, Halia, and Kona are her daughters. Pani, Nika, and Laki here are her granddaughters, and Densil is her

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