The Lovely Chocolate Mob

The Lovely Chocolate Mob by Richard J. Bennett

Book: The Lovely Chocolate Mob by Richard J. Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard J. Bennett
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Christian
table, where we got comfortable and placed our orders.
    After some minor chit-chat, she revealed that she had come up with some more information about Susan Lovely, based on what Mindy had turned up. Mindy didn’t accompany Helen on this outing; I supposed she was depressed from our last meeting.
    “What do you have to tell me?” I asked.
    “I have more information on Miss Lovely. I’ve found that her finances are mostly tied to her family Chocolate factory, the worldwide confectionery company based here in Lovely. Her grandfather, Cornelius Lovely, created the specialized chocolate line and built that factory from the ground up; she, however, doesn’t work there. When the company went public, Cornelius stayed on as the CEO and was the major stockholder. He was filthy rich at the time of his death, which, of course, was just a few weeks ago. He had two children who had no interest in working for the company, so basically he payrolled them until they were old enough to work for themselves elsewhere, then cut their paychecks substantially. They never went without, of course, because he kept tabs on both of his children, and they always seemed to be fairly well off. He did demand that they work, in some capacity, if he was to help them in the financial realm.”
    “Sounds as though I would like the old man,” I said, approvingly. “Please continue.”
    “Susan Lovely was his only grandchild, and she also worked, but as a model, being very successful in her field. She hasn’t worked in the past few years, probably because she really didn’t have to, and also her grandfather was ill, and it appears that she hoped to cash in from being around him, or else, his estate.”
    We looked at each other for a moment. We both were old enough to realize that some children, and grandchildren, could be vultures.
    “Now that he’s dead, she stands to inherit many billions of dollars, and that’s after Uncle Sam gets his share.”
    I sat there, letting it soak in. I thought to myself, “One billion by itself would be enough for a lifetime. That’s a lot; she can’t possibly spend it all in one lifetime, or can she?” Then I wondered aloud, “Where do you think Franklin fits into all of this?”
    Helen squirmed. “Franklin has been talking about retiring for the last few years. Medicine has been very stressful for him; it demands much of his time and energy, and as a result, the kids and I haven’t seen him as much as we used to. Now I’m wondering if it’s because Miss Lovely was part of the equation.”
    “What would Miss Lovely see in Franklin?” I asked. “Even though he’s a well-off medical doctor, certainly he doesn’t fit into her care-free Hollywood lifestyle.”
    “Franklin is a handsome man…” she said before trailing off. She forgot for a moment I was one of her past suitors. Handsome I’m not; I get it. Decent-looking, yes, but handsome, no way.
    She continued, “He has charisma, charm, and can make a girl feel loved….” Oh, yes, Helen, I know I’ve failed in all of these departments as well. But I don’t think you’ve felt loved in the past few years or else you wouldn’t be sitting here talking with me about personal problems.
    “I know he’s all these things, probably more,” I chimed in. “Do you think Miss Lovely was lonely enough to want to get involved with an older man? He’s at least 10 years older than her; do you think she goes for distinguished, settled gentlemen as opposed to dynamic, up-and-coming, but not yet established young men?”
    “Franklin can make a girl feel she’s important, as though she’s desired,” continued Helen. “I felt that once. We had a fast engagement and quick marriage.”
    I sat there, looking into Helen’s eyes, which seemed to shift between her plate and my eyes. “Yes, I remember all of that.” She didn’t move, but her eyes looked down. I continued with, “Are you saying that Franklin doesn’t make you feel loved now?”
    “I think

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