The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet

The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley

Book: The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Kenyon Farley
at this point. You should feel empowered with the knowledge that you can control your eating.
Reset Your Energy
    Without the huge job of digestion, your body has been able to reserve significant energy for the past three days. As you reintroduce food,make sure it’s food that is full of enzymes and nutrients, real food that your body can use for energy rather than fake food that will zap your body of energy. The meal plan and recipes below will get you on the right track.
Reset Your Metabolism
    You have taught your metabolism to expect nutrition every couple of hours on the juice cleanse. Nearly every calorie you took in was usable to your body. As you reintroduce solid food, you want to keep your metabolism running at high speed, by eating frequently and making sure the food you ingest is as nutritious as possible—no processed food!
Reset Your Taste Buds
    All those delicious juices and smoothies reminded your taste buds how great real food tastes, and all those vitamins and nutrients reminded your cells that they thrive on nutrients. Listen to your taste buds and cravings. Do not go out and have a steak and martini dinner to celebrate eating solid food when your body tells you it wants fruits and veggies. The postcleanse will help you make the transition from juice to food easily and successfully.
Reset Your Digestive System
    Your digestive system has had a nice three-day vacation. If you ask it to do something difficult right away, it won’t be happy and it’ll let you know. The postcleanse menu will transition you from juice to solid food in a way that will be easiest on your digestive system.
Reset Your Weight
    Because you have removed toxins and reset your cravings, your healthy choices over the next few days should lead to more weight loss, if you are overweight. Many of our clients experience more weight loss in the few days that follow the juice cleanse than they did during the liquid portion of the diet.
Reset Your Beauty
    Now that you have started to repair your skin cells and remove all the excess toxins, your skin looks great. The food you eat on the postcleanse will be alkalizing, nutrient dense, and full of live enzymes, and you’ll continue to see improvements in the way you look.
    In addition to flooding your body with vital nutrients and enzymes, part of what makes the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet effective is what you
consuming. Many people go through life with undetected allergies or sensitivities to very common foods. They never knew how badly they felt until they feel good for the first time. If you have already seen an otherwise chronic rash disappear, mucus and sinus issues decrease, digestion issues go away, a major increase in your energy levels, or other substantial positive side effects from the cleanse, you could be one of these people with previously unidentified food sensitivities.
    Upon successfully completing the precleanse and juice cleanse, your system is clear of the primary potential trigger foods, giving you the unique opportunity to start with a clean slate. If you suspect that you have food sensitivities, we suggest that you slowly and systematically reintroduce common trigger foods into your diet in order to monitor your body’s reaction. Effectively identifying a trigger foodcould mean the difference between boundless energy and long-term weight-loss success or depleted energy combined with a host of other health concerns, including long-term weight struggles.
    WILLIAM D., EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR • I became a juicing addict after my very first experience with the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet. I started doing a three-day cleanse every month religiously. Each time, I felt incredible and by day 3, I would be trimmer, I could breathe better, and my digestion was better. The results were always awesome. The only problem was that within one week of coming off of cleansing, my sinuses would get stuffed up again, the weight would come back, and my usual GI issues

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