The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet

The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley Page B

Book: The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Kenyon Farley
solid food, know that this postcleanse phase is designed to help you succeed. After all you have accomplished, we want to help you move forward with lifelong habits and changes. We also want to make sure your transition to solid food is pleasant and easy, as we get your digestive system operating again after its three-day sabbatical. Now that you know the types of food you’ll be eating and why, let’s get you chewing!
Day 1
    Upon Rising
    16 ounces warm or room-temperature water, with lemon
    16 ounces water
    Kiwi Berry Smoothie ( this page )
    16 ounces water
    Mixed Green Salad ( this page ) with vinaigrette of choice
    16 ounces water
    2 tablespoons Hummus ( this page )
    16 baby carrots
    16 ounces water
    Raw Red Pepper Soup ( this page )
    Simple Kale Salad ( this page )
Day 2
    Upon Rising
    16 ounces warm or room-temperature water, with lemon
    16 ounces water
    Pineapple Banana Smoothie ( this page )
    16 ounces water
    Mediterranean Salad ( this page )
    16 ounces water
    1 tablespoon Almond Butter ( this page )
    1 apple
    16 ounces water
    Shrimp Stir-Fry ( this page , variation)
    ½ cup cooked brown rice
    If you want to continue on with the postcleanse portion of the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet for a bit longer, you can follow the precleanse recipes back out from your cleanse (see this page ). In other words, on day 3, follow the menu for Three Days Before the Juice Cleanse and on day 4, follow the menu for Four Days Before the Juice Cleanse, and so on. We have found that some people who feel great after theseven-day program are afraid to “mess it up” by eating the wrong things. By following the diet plan for five more days (by following the menus provided up to Seven Days Before the Juice Cleanse), your body will become so accustomed to healthy choices that your healthier cravings combined with your new mindful attitude will guide you in the right direction.
    If you have completed the two postcleanse days and are ready to make your own meal choices, you’re finished with the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet. Congratulations! Regardless of whether you’re moving into the maintenance phase today, or in a couple of days, you don’t need to be afraid. Making the right choices is simple once you have the tools. In the next chapter, we’ll give you the knowledge about food and exercise to convert everything you’ve accomplished and learned over the past week into a reset lifestyle. Let’s get you started on the rest of your life.

    “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
    —C. S. Lewis
    During the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet, you bid farewell to toxins , unhealthy cravings, lackluster skin, bloat, and excess weight by feeding your body only healing and energizing foods. You not only eliminated the junk from your diet and the gunk from your body, but you also fueled your insides with antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. At this moment, you’re in pristine fat-burning, toxin-flushing condition! You’re officially reset. Now for the million-dollar question: how do you maintain long-term success?
    Achieving long-term success and maintaining the postcleanse buzz happens choice by choice. This chapter is dedicated to increasing your knowledge and empowering you to make smart choices to stay on track with your reset for the long haul.
    Enzymes are essential to vitality, beauty, and health; they are right up there with antioxidants in defining what makes many superfoods super. On the flip side, a lack of enzymes is arguably one of the biggest causes of poor health.
    All bodily functions require enzymes. Enzymes are the catalysts for every activity, from the proper functioning of your internal organs, to your ability to think, to the detoxification and replenishment of your cells. If you still need more motivation for increasing your enzyme intake, how about this—a lack of enzymes is a guaranteed way to accelerate aging!

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