The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet

The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley Page A

Book: The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet by Lori Kenyon Farley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Kenyon Farley
would return. I was frustrated and turned to Lori and Marra for some advice on how to extend the benefits I felt during the cleanses into my normal life. We went over the concept of food sensitivities, and we worked on gradually adding in foods like wheat, dairy, and soy after my cleanse. After following the protocol to add these foods in gradually, it was obvious that I had a major sensitivity to wheat! Now, having removed wheat from my diet completely, I’m feeling better than ever. I still love how I feel when cleansing, but I can do it less frequently now and maintain the same benefits.
    The seven most common trigger foods are dairy, sugar/artificial sweeteners, soy, corn, gluten, eggs, and peanuts. Here’s how to gradually reintroduce these potential trigger foods back into your diet:
    1. Add only one trigger food at a time to isolate the cause of malaise.
    2. Consume the trigger food two days in a row or twice in one day to get a good read if it is the culprit.
    3. Wait a minimum of four days before adding another trigger food to allow your body adequate time in between to reset.
    4. Add the purest form of the food back first. For example, if you are introducing wheat for the first time postcleanse, opt for sprouted whole grain bread rather than a bagel. If you add a processed form, you may experience a negative reaction to the preservatives or additives and mistake it for sensitivity to that food. Plus—you’re not adding back processed foods
, right?!
    After completing the postcleanse menu plan below, you’ll be responsible for planning your own meals again. Follow the steps above for gradual reintroduction of your potential trigger foods. If you feel fatigued, get a rash, experience bloating, or have other negative symptoms after adding dairy, sugar, soy, corn, gluten, eggs, or peanuts back into your diet, it’s a good indicator that you have a sensitivity to this food. Once you identify sensitivity to a certain food, we recommend that you completely avoid this food for ninety days before experimenting with adding it back to your meals. After taking a complete break from the offending food for some time, you may be able to add moderate amounts of the food back into your diet without any negative effects. Listen to your body and determine this for yourself based upon how you feel. Enjoy following the postcleanse recipes and remember the rules for gradual inclusion once you venture into creating your own meal plans.
    As you integrate whole food back into your diet, you need to be mindful that your digestive system has been shut down for the past three days. During the postcleanse, you’ll slowly add different types of solid food to your diet, beginning with the easiest to digest. That means starting with fruits and vegetables, adding legumes, and then eventually animal protein, beginning with seafood and eggs because they are easiest to digest. If you’re a vegetarian, or if you find that youjust don’t have a taste for animal protein right now, continue with plant-based food. What you definitely want to avoid during the next two days is eating red meat, dairy, greasy foods, and alcohol. None of these will make you feel good. It would be surprising if you crave any of those things, but if you are, use your new willpower to choose not to eat them for two more days.
    Listen to your body! Be mindful of how each new item feels to you. If you don’t want to eat dairy, or meat, or gluten, or soy, you don’t need to. If there is any recipe below that doesn’t appeal to your newly reset cravings and taste buds, feel free to substitute from the same category in the precleanse and postcleanse recipe sections. For instance, if you don’t want to eat eggs for breakfast, go ahead and find another breakfast meal that sounds better, or stick with delicious smoothies every morning, if that feels better to your body.
    If you’re feeling scared of “undoing” all the resets when you start eating

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