The Garden of Death

The Garden of Death by L.L Hunter

Book: The Garden of Death by L.L Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.L Hunter
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Chapter One


    You wouldn’t think dying in the place where
death rules would change the fate of the world, would you?
    Well, it did.
    I died, and now everything is upside

    I stirred.
    First, I moved my head, then my fingers and
toes to make sure I wasn’t numb.
    I wasn’t.
    I faintly recall having the strangest dream
where I died in a field of vivid blue and purple flowers, and then
soon after, I remembered feeling numb all over.
    But I wasn’t numb anymore.
    I could move my body freely. I wriggled my
fingers and felt something cool and soft underneath my fingertips.
I tried to open my eyes, but as soon as the light hit my retinas,
my head pounded, and I quickly shut my eyelids again. I tried to
move my left arm to the left of me and found nothing but openness.
I moved my right hand to the right and found warm flesh.
    Warm flesh?
    My eyes shot open, and I turned to look at
what I might be touching. My heart leaped into my throat when I saw
who was lying beside me in the bed.
    He blinked and rolled over toward me.
    “Hey, baby. Good morning.” He leaned over me
and kissed my lips lightly before settling back down on his pillow
beside me.
    “What day is it? Where are we?”
    “Are you feeling okay?” Asher placed the
back of his hand on my forehead.
    “I think so. I had the strangest dream.”
    “Wanna tell me about it?” he asked as he
leaned up on his elbow to face me.
    “I don’t even know if I can explain it.”
    “Try.” He reached out and threaded his
fingers through mine and kissed my fingers. I tried my hardest not
to get distracted from what I was about to say.
    “Okay, I was lying in a field of these weird
looking flowers. They were surrounding me and appeared to be
growing. They smelled really sweet like… well, sweets, and then I
remember seeing a really bright light and then… nothing.”
    “A light? Like you were going into the
    “Yeah. I think that’s what it was. I think I
    “But, babe, you know it was only a dream,
right?” he leaned over me once again and kissed me, this time more
forcefully. “You’re not dead right now. You’re lying in bed next to
me, and you’re very much alive.” His fingers stroked my cheek,
which made me shiver.
    I let out a breath. “I suppose you’re right.
Anyway, you didn’t answer my question before. What day is it?”
    “It’s Sunday, babe. Our one day to relax and
do whatever we want.”
    “No, I mean the date. What year is it?”
    “It’s 2022.”
    I sit up straight. “What?”
    “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
    “I… I don’t know. I guess I do feel a little
weird. How can it be 2022? Last time I remember it was 2012, and I
was sixteen.”
    “Sixteen? Babe, you’re twenty six. My
beautiful twenty-six year old wife.” He picked up my arm to kiss
it, but I pushed him off me, ripped the sheets off, and jumped out
of bed.
    “Yeah? Don’t you remember that, either? You
must have hit your head or something in your dream.”
    “I… I guess I may have.” I rubbed my hands
over my face. “I need coffee. And food.”
    I ran out of the bedroom into a living room
that I didn’t recognize, the living room of a house that wasn’t
mine. I ran into the unfamiliar kitchen and tracked down the coffee
machine and a mug. I seriously needed to wake myself right up so I
could figure out what the hell was going on.

Chapter Two


    Eden’s father?
    How was that possible?
    How could Eden’s father retrieve Eden from
the Realm of Death?
    Then I remembered.
    Because he could.
    Because he was a demon.
    The man that had just brought Eden’s
lifeless body into the Michaelite Sanctuary was the infamous Lakyn
Blackbell, the leader of our opposition–the Lucifites. And the
Michaelites had let him walk right into the heart of their
    I realized I had to get into that room below
the stairs. Screw what my sister had said. I had to protect Eden
from the likes of her

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