The Fullness of Quiet

The Fullness of Quiet by Natasha Orme

Book: The Fullness of Quiet by Natasha Orme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Orme
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for some reason I felt a tiny bit disappointed. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose zip-up jumper but it was clear he wasn’t wearing a top underneath.
    He handed me a pile of clothes. “I’ll wait inside,” he signed. Not knowing what I would want to wear, he’d brought me an array of items: a pair of old jeans, a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, a jumper, a pair of shorts and a pair of thick socks. I decided to wear the sweatpants and the jumper with the socks. I was starting to get cold and I didn’t want to end up shivering.
    Joshua appeared round the corner just as I was about to lift my t-shirt up. My stomach was exposed for a moment and he paused mid-sign. I quickly pulled down my top.
    “I was going to say that I can dry your underwear first and then everything else second so at least that way you’re comfortable.” I smiled.
    “That’s smart.” He winked at me and disappeared. I turned my body away from the house. It was the most privacy I could get. My clothes were stuck to me and I had to struggle to get them off. It was at the point that I was trying to get my t-shirt over my shoulders when I eventually got stuck.
    I looked over my shoulder to see Joshua had walked into the kitchen.
    “Can you help me please?” I signed. He laughed but came over to help. He stood in front of me and pulled the clinging material up and over my head. He was taller than I remembered and I only noticed it then because I was suddenly looking up into his eyes. He hesitated and then bent his head down to kiss me. My whole body was tingling. He dropped my t-shirt on the ground, placed a hand on my back and the other on my neck. He pulled me close and held me there, paused in that moment.
    The whole situation was very surreal. I was stood there in my bra and jeans and him in that zip-up. Neither of us moved for a very long time. We knew what would happen if one of us stepped away and it was only a matter of time before it did. It was me. I stepped away from him and picked up his t-shirt form the pile of clothes he’d given me. I slipped it on over my head and took my bra off underneath. The top was so big that it came just low enough for me to take of my jeans and knickers without feeling too exposed. I shoved on the sweatpants and then helped Joshua pick up all the wet clothes. They were covered in leaves and other bits from the floor but he said it would all come off once they were dry.
    He walked into the kitchen and stuck all the clothes into the tumble dryer. We stood watching it for a few minutes before Joshua asked me if I wanted to watch a film. I nodded. A film sounded like a good idea, besides I couldn’t go home until my clothes were dry.
    He led me into the living room and it wasn’t exactly big but it was cozy and big enough for a group of people. Joshua opened the cupboard to the right of the TV to reveal rows and rows of DVD cases. I stared, amazed. The only place I’d ever seen that many films was in Blockbuster.
    “Yes, they have quite a few,” he signed. He smiled at me, clearly impressed with my reaction. I wandered over to the films and ran my finger along the brightly colored spines. There were a few I recognized but so many that I hadn’t even heard of. “Have you seen Die Hard?” he asked. I shook my head. “We have to watch it!” I laughed. Clearly I wasn’t educated enough in the film department.
    He reached up to the top shelf to fetch down the DVD case and I watched his muscles stretch and his body arch upwards. I turned away and went to settle myself on the sofa. The distance between us would help me to clear my mind. He was making all my thoughts seem fuzzy and I didn’t feel particularly comfortable about it.
    I watched him as he set up the TV and then the DVD. He muted the sound, sorted out the subtitles and then came and sat next to me. He left enough space so I didn’t feel uncomfortable but not so much that I didn’t feel his presence right there.
    The film was good but I

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