The Fullness of Quiet

The Fullness of Quiet by Natasha Orme Page B

Book: The Fullness of Quiet by Natasha Orme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Orme
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night. In return she would give him an enchanted rose. The Prince refused. The old Woman warned him that if he did not shelter her for the night then there would be a consequence but still the Prince refused.
    “At that moment, the old Woman transformed into a beautiful Enchantress and the Prince begged for her forgiveness but she told him that she would not forgive him until he learnt the meaning of true beauty. She cast a spell on the entire castle and turned him into a Beast. She gave him the rose and said that if he had not found someone he loved that loved him in return by the time the last petal falls on his twenty-first birthday, then he would remain a Beast forever.
    “The Prince lived in his castle, alone for many years as the ugly Beast the Enchantress had turned him into. One day, a poor Man ran through the gates in order to escape the forest ghouls and the Beast threw him in the dungeons. He had little patience with anyone, his temper was easily provoked.
    “A beautiful young Girl came looking for the old Man, her father, after his horse had returned home without him. She made her way into the castle and found her father in the dungeons. At that moment the Beast made an appearance and told her to go away. She pleaded for him to let her father go and take her in his place. The Beast agreed, seeing this as a way out of his curse.
    “At first, the young Girl refused to see the Beast. To her, the castle was her prison. She finally ventured from her room to explore the castle and came face to face with the Beast. He was gentle and as patient as he could be with her and the Girl grew to like the Beast. They spent time together and she taught him many things.
    “One day, the Girl decided to explore the castle and came across a rose in a glass box. A glowing petal slowly drifted to the floor of its case. The Beast appeared, enraged that she had seen his secret and told her to leave. Before she left, he gave her a mirror and said that should she ever wish to see him, he would appear in the glass.
    “The Girl left the castle immediately and returned home. When she got home she found that the people in her village had put her father in an asylum for crazy people. She proved that the Beast he was talking about was real by showing them the mirror. When the Villagers saw the Beast they grabbed their torches and pitchforks and made their way to the castle after locking the young Girl in her basement.
    “The Girl forced her way out and rushed to the castle to save the Beast. After the battle and when the Villagers had left, the Girl found the Beast lying on the floor next to the glass case of his precious flower. Overwhelmed by his death she sobbed and declared her love for him. At that moment, a bright light shone all around and the ugly Beast turned back into the handsome Prince and they lived happily ever after.”
    “I like that one!” said Helen. “That was amazing. Why did the Girl love the Beast if he was ugly?”
    “She got to know the person behind the appearance and found that his personality was beautiful. That is what she fell in love with and when you fall in love with a personality, the looks become beautiful too.”
    “Is that what happened with Joshua?”
    “You love Joshua don’t you?” I didn’t answer. “Is it his personality that you love?”
    “I think that’s enough for one night, it’s late and you need some sleep.”
    “It’s not that late.”
    “Quiet now.” Helen settled down in her bed and I kissed her goodnight before turning off the light. I stood outside her door a moment, composing myself. I knew Helen was perceptive but I was amazed, again, at how much she understood the world around her. I didn’t know if I loved Joshua. At one point in time I would have been adamant, but now I was unsure.
    I made my way downstairs and found Daddy in the living room. I went over and gave him a hug. I’d missed him these past few weeks. We’d barely spoken what with Helen

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