The Dream
fascinated him, the last two nights had taught him he was ill-equipped for such domesticities.
    “Gone, my lord.”
    “Gone?” He hadn’t meant to shout.
    Joy immediately let loose a loud, ear-splitting wail. “Mum! Mum!”
    “What do you mean gone?”
    Grims cleared his throat. “As in, she is no longer in residence here.”
    “I know what the bloody hell it means.”
    “Your pardon, my lord.”
    Joy’s cries were slicing a headache deep into his brain.
    “I will talk to you later,” he bit out to his butler and took the stairs two at a time.
    The nursery would have toys, and toys would hopefully keep Joy happy, or at least distracted.
    Mrs. Smith gone? Gone? What the blazes was he to do now?
    * * * * *
    Lord Ravensworth ,
    I regret the inability to bid you a proper farewell, but felt it prudent to make my departure.
    Oh, he just bet she did. While he could do very little in halting the situation.
    I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me. There is really no way to repay you saving my life. I can however attempt to make some compensation for your kindness, generosity, and hospitality. I’ve left some coins in hopes that they begin to repay you for at least the use of your sister’s mourning wardrobe. However, since you were not here, I wasn’t certain of the exact price. I took the black crepe gown and another black silk gown. Mrs. Meddows would know of which I took as I showed her, along with the other necessities. I also took the black cloak and a veiled bonnet as my own cloak was ruined, or so Mrs. Meddows told me.
    Perhaps I will see you in London? Once I’ve found my family and am settled, I will send word to you. Then you must let me know what I owe you for the garments and anything else you feel needs compensation.
    Jason glared at the words and the open bundle of coins on his desk. He’d never felt as insulted as he did at that moment. His kindness, generosity, and hospitality? She was paying for these?
    He took a deep calming breath and finished the letter.
    Again, I apologize for my abrupt departure, as I’m sure it must seem to you. But my family is my own, and though I appreciate your offer to help me locate them, I felt I’d imposed enough. My time at your beautiful estate is one that I shall always cherish.
    I shall not forget I’m in your debt.
    Not Mrs. Smith.
    In his debt? The thought made him smile. Oh, that she was. The nonsense about the hurried departure and his hospitality, gowns and whatnot, he waved it all aside. It was the ending that seemed the most important of all.
    Cherished her time with him, had she? Well, most of his acquaintances coveted an invite to this estate. But it was his private retreat, and he didn’t care for parties here at Ravenscrest Abbey. Few had been here, at least since he’d become Marquess of Ravensworth .
    The enormity of it again set heavy in his stomach. What if her relatives were elsewhere? Or what if—for whatever reason—they did not take her in? What if she’d met with trouble again?
    Jason had the feeling that where Mrs. Emily Smith was concerned, trouble often followed.
    He stood abruptly and paced to his window. She should have stayed. He would have seen her safely to her relatives and if some problem arose, he would have circumvented it. Besides the fact, the woman had just been shot. Shot for the love of God, not more than two weeks before. What did she think she was about, traveling alone to London? Was the woman an idiot?
    An image of her, sitting prim and proper, her wrapper belted tightly, flashed in his mind. The way the fire and candlelight had danced in her burnished hair, her dark brown eyes soulful, full of secrets. The way she would tilt her head ever so slightly to the…
    Bloody hell. Emily—Mrs. Smith seemed to be intruding on his thoughts all too often lately. She played on his mind, more than he cared to admit.
    Perhaps it was because he was looking for a wife. Never mind he’d sworn off

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