Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea)

Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) by Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper

Book: Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) by Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper
myself in the middle of an elegant parlor. This cellar, or underground cave , was also a house, a beautiful one.
    The witch dropped her cloak and my eyebrows rose in surprise. I knew her. She had the same regal bearing, the same long neck, and the same raven hair.
    “Lady Meredith?” I asked, rubbing my eyes in disbelief.
    “No, but many have made that mistake,” the witch said in a melodious voice that reminded me of Meredith’s.
    It wasn’t James’s stepmother. Although she looked just like her, she felt different to the rest of my senses. This couldn’t be the witch, could it?
    She untied her cloak and laid it over the arm of a chair. “Is that man outside with you?”
    “Yes. He’s a Hound who—”
    “Darrell!” The man from the garden stuck his head out from the entrance we’d just come through. “There is a Hound in front of my house. Please see to him.”
    Darrell smiled like a cat that had swallowed a canary. “My pleasure.”
    I stared after him as he strode out of the room. “Please don’t kill him. I’m bound to him now by a blood oath.” I held up my bandaged hand as proof. “I very much need him alive.”
    Her brown eyes crinkled in the corner when she smiled. “Darrell won’t injure him, just play with him a bit. As for the cut on your hand and the bruise on your throat, I can heal those if you have no objection.”
    Before I could decline the use of her witch magic, she brushed her fingers against my hands and throat. They felt better instantly. I gave her a guarded, but grateful smile.
    “Sit down,” she said kindly, gesturing to a table filled with teas and pastries and fresh fruit and vegetables. “Eat, if you are hungry.”
    I hesitated, remembering stories of evil witches. But she’d already healed me, and I seemed fine. Not to mention, Lady Meredith had assured me I could trust her, so I piled my plate, hoping I wouldn’t turn into a toad. She sat across from me and reread the note while I ate. When she finished she tapped the corner of the letter against her lips and studied me.
    “So you're the Emmía,” she said, her voice cracking. “You'll forgive me for being surprised. An Emmía has never been outside the barrier since it was erected.”
    “Do you know Lady Meredith?” I asked, stirring sugar into a cup of steaming tea. “She's the one who sent me to you. I’m surprised you two are acquainted.”
    “Do you mean, how could a witch like me be on speaking terms with a royal from Orea?”
    “Yes,” I answered honestly.
    “Lady Meredith is my sister.” My head snapped up and I gaped openly before remembering I had a mouth full of food. I forced myself to close my mouth and chew.
    The woman smiled. “I can see that surprises you. I wouldn't spend much time dwelling on it. You have bigger issues to concern you.”
    “What’s your name?” I asked, trying to back up and understand what was happening.
    “ Aleah.” She gave me a regal nod. “I’m pleased to meet you, Jade.”

She didn't use my official title. Despite everything, I couldn’t help but smile at her.
    “Aleah,” I repeated, dabbing the corners of my mouth with a linen. “I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to do here. Lady Meredith said that you could help me, but didn’t tell me more.”
    Aleah nodded absently as she stirred her tea, and I waited for her to collect her thoughts and speak.
    “You were betrothed to my step-nephew, August, but in love with James,” she said at length. “I don't know either well. I haven't seen them since they were both very young. They know nothing of me, but I've received word about them from my sister when she comes to visit.”
    My wide eyes blinked. “She comes here?”
    Aleah nodded. “She and I have chosen different paths in life to accomplish what we want, but we care deeply for one another.”
    “What path have you chosen for yourself?” I questioned, curiosity creeping into my voice.
    “I chose a life free from lies.”
    The way Aleah phrased

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