ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)

ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) by Summer Cooper

Book: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) by Summer Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Cooper
and usually don’t help myself, but when Mr. Carren asks for our services I always supervise to ensure excellent service.”
    “I must admit I’m impressed so far. I will see you in the morning.”

Chapter Three
    A my looked up at the building in front of her, and double checked the address on her card. This was it, this was where she would be living from now on. The canopy that lead to the street indicated you really didn’t have to get wet if you didn’t want to, even when leaving to go somewhere, and the doorman was smiling at her as she simply stared.
    “Good morning Miss Taylor,” the doorman greeted as he opened the door for her. Amy looked surprised for a minute before realizing he had probably been well informed about her arrival.
    She walked to the elevators and once she got in, she put in the code she had been given. She noticed there were no floor numbers, just a keypad and she assumed everyone had their own code so nobody could get to any of the floors without one. She had to remember to ask how that worked with friends, since she had a feeling she wasn’t supposed to simply give out the number she had.
    As she stepped out of the elevator she noticed two doors, one to the right and one to the left. She was apartment B, which was the one to the right, and suddenly realized she didn’t have a key. That problem was answered when the door opened and a middle aged woman with kind eyes and slightly greying hair stepped out. “Antoine let me know you were on your way up. Antoine is the doorman. Make sure you give him your approved list, those are the people who can come up here. As long as they have ID on them Antoine will use his code in the elevator to allow them to come up, and then notify you of doing so. I’m Lydia, let me show you around. I must say it’s nice to have another woman around here. John and I live a couple floors down, but with our schedules we don’t interact with a lot of the other residents.”
    “It’s nice to meet you. I will admit I’m still a bit in shock and overwhelmed.”
    “Understandable. Mr. Carren can have that effect on people. He spoke very highly of you, and you must have made an impression on him to get him to move so fast.”
    “I have a problem with speaking before I think sometimes, and I simply told him what I thought. He seemed to like it, which is now turning out to be a good thing.”
    “Apparently so. Alright, this is the living room, as you can tell,” Lydia said as she started the tour. Amy looked around as she followed Lydia and found herself really liking the place. The living room was done in cream colors with a few burgundy red accents throughout. The couch looked comfortable, and the sitting area was in front of a fireplace she was excited to try. She could see herself curling up on that couch with a good book on a cold winter night. The main living area was open to the kitchen area, which made the room look much larger than it probably was, with a dining table separating the two. The kitchen was done in whites, and while it was nice it wasn’t overly large which Amy liked. She could never see herself living in a huge mansion, wanting the comfort of something feeling like home not a museum. Off the side was a laundry room, which Lydia promptly told her was her domain and she’d better not catch Amy there. Down a hallway were several doors, the first of which opened to an office. It was the size of her bedroom in her old apartment, and already had bookshelves lining the walls and a large wooden desk in the middle. The comfortable chairs in front of the desk indicated she could have people visiting her even while she was working.
    The next door Lydia opened was a guest room, which was done in simple soft yellows and blues. “Each bedroom has its own bathroom,” Lydia said simply before closing the door again. She knew Amy would explore in more detail later.
    The next door was another guest room, this one done in yellows and greens, before Lydia

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