The Dreadful Renegade: A Thrilling Espionage Novel (Techno thriller, Mystery & Suspense)

The Dreadful Renegade: A Thrilling Espionage Novel (Techno thriller, Mystery & Suspense) by Charles Z David

Book: The Dreadful Renegade: A Thrilling Espionage Novel (Techno thriller, Mystery & Suspense) by Charles Z David Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Z David
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Palestine. David said that Nagib did not follow in his brother's footsteps and was not involved with any terrorist organization even after his parents' home was demolished by the Israelis. The ISA noted that this was exceptional because Arab youths that went through similar experiences usually were short tempered and sought revenge. The psychologist employed by the ISA emphasized that this type of behavior, lack of reaction, would be frowned upon in Palestine and Nagib would be considered as not man enough had he not lived abroad. The psychologist added that in Arab culture "revenge should be served cold", namely the longer a person waited to avenge an offence the better. He said that it could not be ruled out that Nagib had waited for the proper circumstances to exact his reprisal and seized it when presented with the opportunity. David said that when he asked the psychologist what form the retribution could take the answer was that the longer the open sore festered the more venomous it became. The ISA did not have much data on Alia's family and only said that her parents, like many other Christians who felt unsafe under the Palestinian Authority's rule and immigrated to a place where they hoped their children would have a better future. Many took up residence in South America, especially in Chile and Peru, and others moved to the United States or European countries like Germany or Scandinavia, usually joining family members that had preceded them. There was record of Alia's visit to Israel and Palestine a few years earlier but her grandparents were no longer alive and her remaining uncles and cousins refused to cooperate. Eugene thanked David for the update and said that it may be the key to understanding Nagib's behavior that was supposedly out of character. He noted that none of his friends or colleagues had ever heard him say anything against Israel or criticize the support it received from the US. They recalled that Nagib's doctoral advisor, Professor Jack Chen, was a former Israeli that had helped Nagib with his career and was the guest of honor at his wedding with Alia. So it was unclear what Nagib had in mind and what he really thought about Israel.      
    David asked Eugene if the task force had developed any insights about possible targets and was told that there was a general feeling that he would try to sell the classified data to an entity, sovereign country or clandestine organization that would help him take revenge. They did not believe that he did this solely for money and considered that he would want to be involved personally in the final act. Although Eugene did not say it in so many words, David was now more convinced than ever that the classified material involved nuclear weapons, and as only a memory stick was taken he knew that it could only be technical information like blueprints or schematic designs. He therefore suggested that there were a very small number of entities that would be interested in the stolen files. Eugene agreed and said that the task force decided to focus on Iran and the Islamic State movement. David concurred but said that North Korea or even Pakistan should also be considered, not because they had any direct conflict with Israel, but because they could use some advanced designs to improve their own arsenal of nuclear weapons and their stature in the world. Eugene reacted by saying that he had not mentioned advanced designs but David responded that he had figured it out and did not want to force Eugene to divulge classified information. They agreed to meet again the following evening and David returned to his hotel and had a good night's sleep despite the jet-lag.
    Early the next morning David called Eugene on his private phone and told him that he had to leave the US as some crisis regarding a Mossad operation in Europe was developing. David didn't mention that a Mossad collaborator inside the German police had alerted his Israeli girl-friend, who was actually a Mossad

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