The Concubine

“Please…release me! Lucian! Anyone!” gripping the bars of my cell I scream to no one…“Please…” I finish, exhausted, aching and heartbroken. I lean my forehead to the bars and allow myself the tears. 

My foolish haste has doomed us all, the guilt and sorrow are boundless. 

“I must say, it’s quite pleasing seeing you this way.” Krea! With as much strength as I can muster I lift my head and stare into the devious eyes of the bane of my existence; villainous bitch.

She opens the cell door and comes to kneel before me. With a derisive smile she reaches out to touch my cheek. “Do not worry, dearest Lea. When you are dead I will personally see to it that your precious little son joins you.”  I take strength in the fury coursing through my veins and lash out; my hand catches her across the cheek.

“Touch one hair on my child’s head and I will make you live to regret it.”

She rises and the unexpected blow to my side from her booted feet brings me to the ground. Rage drives her ensuing attacks, but desperation has me fighting back. I successfully manage to grab a hold of her foot and twist as much as my strength would allow. With a keening wail she comes crashing down beside me, the dagger carefully held within her grasp clatters a few feet away. Taking advantage of her momentary daze I scramble on my knees and palm the dagger seconds before she can find her bearing.

“You should be thankful that I’m merciful enough not to kill you.” I whisper breathlessly before plunging the blade into the palm of her hand and twisting until I hear a satisfying crunch; her screams mean very little to me as I stumble out of the open cell. 
    My vision blurs and I lean against the tapestry depicting some random battle fought by the first Devlar monarchs; I knew this only because I remembered the week so long ago when I was first brought to this palace, and I was made to kneel before you and swear my allegiance, right at this very spot. I must trek on, no matter how much blood pours from my veins, I must make sure that this mission I have started be properly finished. Lucian must know that war will solve nothing and could only bring out thousands of senseless deaths. 

I am almost crawling up the endless staircase, vaguely wondering why the halls were so empty. At the very least, Lucian’s soldiers should have been stationed at every corner. I collapse unexpectedly in fatigue and dehydration.  My eyes flutter shut, my pulse thrums erratically through my veins, and my heart follows in its own unsteady beats as darkness envelops me, taking me back to my solitary tomb.
    “Mama?” Angel hands, soft and gentle against my face coax me to rise. “Mama sleeping?”
    “Oh sweet, boy!” I wrap one arm around him, bringing him to my chest. My lips are in his hair, showering him with kisses. His giggles are infectious and I wallow in his innocent joy.

“Do not overexert yourself.” Lucian’s voice cautions softly from the foot of the bed and I visibly stiffen.

“Come little prince, your Mama needs her rest.”

“NO!” my hold tightens, my voice shrill. “Please let him stay.”

“The current state of your health concerns and I will not allow anything to disrupt it.” He comes around the side of the bed, his face revealing nothing while those blue eyes narrow on me and I shudder, chilled by the frostiness of that gaze.
    “He is my child.” I glare at him and tighten my hold on Liam. 

“Take the boy to the nursery, Hasa.” Hasa, an obedient little maid makes her way to me and hesitantly holds out her arms; I vigorously shake my head and keep Liam to my chest.

“Give him willingly or I will forcibly remove him from you.”


“Take him.” He orders once more and this time as she reaches for Liam I reluctantly relinquish my hold and give him off into her care.

“Lucian, I came to ask…” I manage to say into the pregnant silence, but

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